I motivated myself with the help of Apollo, my wonder-Rott, to take a longer walk this morning. I found my sunglasses (left them in the car two days ago), found the dog leash near my walking shoes, and asked Terry to hang on to Roxy. The minute I latched onto Apollo’s collar with the leash, Roxy set to whining, howling and other piteous moaning sounds made by pathetic spoiled canines.
The sun had barely risen when Apollo and I started swimming, er, I mean walking. Even though the temperature was mild (in the 60s), the humidity was a hefty 87 percent! My sunglasses kept fogging up while walking. Usually, Apollo and I walk north for a couple of blocks to Mary Street and then head west crossing US-73/K-7 and walking within sight of Desoto Road. Instead, we turned back south after crossing the highway and walked through the ‘Town Centre’ area. Along the way I spied some flowering trees:
Of course, being the uninformed arborist, I have no idea what types of trees or shrubs these are, so please educate me!
Once Apollo and I returned home, I checked the forecast for today (well, actually for tonight), hoping for a chance to view Saturn again. If nothing else, the Moon will be spectacular as it reaches it’s quarter crescent stage of waxing-ness.
In the meantime, while the sun is still shining, time to do some housework, clean off the DVR (Formula One weekend eats up so much space so quickly!) and catch up on some reading.
Have a great weekend everyone!