Thanksgiving Travel Forecast – AAA NewsRoom

Gas prices in Kansas have crept back up to almost $3/gallon after reaching as low as the upper $2.70s a few weeks ago. I still need premium for the Bonneville but at least it won’t be close to $4/gallon this year.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Article: The Cable Industry is Imploding: What Providers Must Do to Stay Alive

The Cable Industry is Imploding: What Providers Must Do to Stay Alive

The sooner Tme Warner implodes the happier I’ll be.  Fibre now please!

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Article: What Happens To Your Data After You’re Dead?

What Happens To Your Data After You’re Dead?

Interesting article but just a little creepy or weird when it branched off into speaking with your dead loved ones virtually.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Article: Two Comets on a Moonlit Morning

Two Comets on a Moonlit Morning

Sharing fellow ASKC member and exceptional astrophotographer Tom Martinez latest Comet Ison photo from earlier this week at Powell Observatory.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Book Review: Total War Rome: Destroy Carthage by Gibbons (DNF)

Total War Rome: Destroy Carthage by David Gibbons

DNF (no star rating because I did not finish reading it)

Attempted to read during September, October and November 2013

I wanted to love this book.  I read a blurb about it from one of my many book-related newsfeeds, through Tor’s RSS feed.  Here’s a link to the article penned by the author:  Ancient Rome and the Destruction of Carthage: The Stuff That Dreams Are Made On.

I started reading with high hopes, because I’m always fascinated by ancient history.  I’ve read other historical fiction novels set during the time frame of the ancient Roman Empire and enjoyed them.  I also enjoy movies that visit that time period.

Continue reading “Book Review: Total War Rome: Destroy Carthage by Gibbons (DNF)”