Almost Summer

Where did May go? So much happened in May between work, home and family that the entire month slipped away without any kind of post here. June is starting at at the same “full speed ahead” tempo. I don’t know when I will have time to write any of it up and some of what’s going on in my life I’m reluctant to share in a public forum. Don’t be alarmed. None of it is ‘bad’ per se, just private.

With the weather becoming brighter, warmer and more summer like, Terry and I are spending evenings outside. Thunderstorms are forecast for later this week so perhaps I’ll spend that rainy afternoon and evening writing a post.

Stay well and take care.

Day 18,995

I did not get a good night’s sleep overnight.  According to my fitness tracker, I slept about four hours (between 10 pm and 2 am), a quarter of that being light sleep.  Then I woke up and stayed awake for an hour, eventually falling back asleep shortly before 3 am and hitting snooze on my 5:30 a.m. alarm once.Preview post

First thing I did after stumbling downstairs was login to download two new releases I’d pre-ordered as ebooks:  Crosstalk by Connie Willis and The Wall of Storms by Ken Liu.  By then it was already five minutes to six o’clock.  It takes ten minutes to make tea and about the same time to dress so I started boiling the water in the microwave (four minutes) and went to gather my work clothes.  I put two teaspoons of Irish Blend loose leaf  tea in my reusable steeper, dunked it in the almost boiling water and set a timer for five minutes.  I dressed and packed my lunch and my electronics.

Continue reading “Day 18,995”

Ups and Downs of Reading Habits

I remembered to export my GoodReads book catalog earlier this week.  I’ve been forgetful for several months and the hot topic at work lately has been DR (disaster recovery).  So, practicing what I preach, I ‘backed up’ my book catalog to my computer.  I began reviewing the data downloaded and a thought (almost a question) popped into my head.  For the last five years, I’ve been averaging 100 books per year read.  I pushed myself this year to reach that goal early, before my birthday in early October.  My curious mind wanted to know how my reading format habits have changed over these last five years.

Reading-one-book-is-likeWhy just five years?  Continue reading “Ups and Downs of Reading Habits”

Devoted GM fan gets the ride of a lifetime at Fairfax plant –

84 years young. Why do I get teary-eyed over these types of articles?  Read all the way to the last sentence and then maybe you’ll understand.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Article: What Happens To Your Data After You’re Dead?

What Happens To Your Data After You’re Dead?

Interesting article but just a little creepy or weird when it branched off into speaking with your dead loved ones virtually.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Lincoln’s spare words at Gettysburg inspire 150 years later –

So concise and powerful that it brought tears to my eyes. I should re-read this every year on Memorial Day, Independence Day and probably Veterans Day.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

10 Key Terms That Will Help You Appreciate Fantasy Literature

Brush up on your fantasy sub genres with this article from io9. Which one is your favorite? Which one will you try next?

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon