Review: ‘Women Destroy Science Fiction!’ : NPR

Time to buy my first issue of Lightspeed mm agazine.

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‘Little Free Libraries’ grow throughout KC area — except in Leawood | The Kansas City Star

Shame on Leawood.  Another reason I’m grateful I don’t live in Johnson County, Kansas.

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31 Essential Science Fiction Terms And Where They Came From

Some of my favorites include: android, terraforming, posthuman, dystopia, multiverse and cyberspace.

Interesting list and origins.

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Summer Sunrise

Summer officially arrived yesterday, but today it dawned for the first time.  I woke up way way early for a Sunday (sometime during the four o’clock hour) and spied a hazy crescent moon from my bedroom window, but no bright shining Venus.

Late in the five o’clock hour, I went outside, taking Apollo with me, to see if Venus peaked through the clouds.  No, nothing but the moon.

First Summer Sunrise 2014

Some of my flowers are doing well, like my day lilies and the moss roses, potted or in flower beds:

Potted Moss Roses (four plants, various colors)
Flower bed with moss roses, day lilies and cone flowers.

The cone flowers I planted last year and not doing very well. The one I planted at the north end of this flower bed only produced three or four leaves. The other one (shown above) is flowering, but also looks pekid. I’m just not much of a gardener. My one true success is the day lilies, which I planted six years ago on Memorial Day.


Last year, my daughter gave me a puzzle for my birthday.  Last week, in a fit of household reorganizing (aka decluttering), I decided it was high time I cracked open this box to see if I could still climb the puzzle mountain.

Being only 550 pieces, I did not feel daunted at the prospect.  My grandmother and I used to put together three or five thousand piece puzzles during the summer months when I was in grade school.

Continue reading “Puzzled”

Find an Island of Stars at Powell Obsevatory Tomorrow Night

A quick shout-out to everyone in the Kansas City metro area to come on down to the Powell Observatory tomorrow night.

Our scheduled program is entitled “Island of Stars” and the weather looks very promising.

I volunteer as part of Team 2 (one of several teams staffed by members of the Astronomical Society of Kansas City).  I’m looking forward to meeting many new people and introducing them to the many wonders of the night sky.

More Powell Observatory Information:

The observatory is staffed by ASKC volunteers and is open to the public every Saturday night from the beginning of May through the end of October. The Star Bright Saturday Night Programs begin at dusk and include program presentations on astronomy, tours of the observatory, and (if the skies are clear) viewing through the various telescopes of the moon, planets, stars, star clusters and more! A donation of $6 per adult and $4 per child is suggested to help support the observatory and allow it to continue operations open to the public.

Hope to see you tomorrow night and always keep looking up!

Article: Are your ready for the next chapter of Wi-Fi? Meet 802.11ax

Are your ready for the next chapter of Wi-Fi? Meet 802.11ax

It’s articles like these that make me wish I’d stuck it out to become an electrical engineer.

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Article: Comcast Is Turning The US Into Its Own Private Hotspot

Comcast Is Turning The US Into Its Own Private Hotspot

Reminder to self: make sure Time Warner Road Runner Internet service does NOT include this new feature.

If it does (or might soon since Comcast bought them) … opt out!!!

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon