Welcome to the New Home for My Blog!

For the last nine years, my blog, Misty Midwest Mossiness, has languished as a ‘free’ site hosted at WordPress.com. That ‘free’ came with a slight headache, which eventually morphed into a migraine. My ability to host for ‘free’ meant being saddled with advertisements, the content of which I could not control.

I took a huge leap this week and dived into the Digital Ocean. I’ve created a couple of droplets, their term for virtual machines hosted in their cloud. I created this new home using one of their prefab Droplets in their Marketplace. I did have to buy a new domain name, mostly because I didn’t want to mess up and re-configure my existing domain name just yet. My new domain name – hennethannun.net – which reflects my ongoing love for all things Tolkien and sunsets. For more information about Henneth Annûn visit this brief article at the TolkienGateway.

I was able to export my blog (overnight) from WordPress.com and import it this morning in just a few minutes. I will leave the old blog in place for the rest of the year and monitor this new blog home to see if this is cost effective and won’t break my pocketbook.

I will be adjusting the look-and-feel of this new blog – rebranded as “Into the West” – over the next few days. Let me know what you think.

Remembering and Missing My Grandmother

Doris Andrea Visitation June 2011
Doris Andrea Visitation June 2010

The first anniversary of my Grandmother’s passing is tomorrow, which also would have been her eighty-ninth birthday.  I preserved an electronic copy of her obituary and my memories (compiled a couple of days before she died).  I still have not had the courage to view the video I recorded of her memorial service held last June at Foxwood Springs chapel.  I at least backed the raw video files up to a DVD though (something I should have done months and months ago).

All of Doris’ children are gathering in Ohio to attend her youngest granddaughter’s wedding this weekend.  I shall miss them, as I miss her, and wish Katy and her groom abundant joy and prosperity in their new life together.

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