For over 2,500 years in our Western civilization, October has been known as the tenth month of the year and the iconic symbol of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. Originally, though, the Romans had only ten months in their calendar; hence the “dece” in December (for ten). The eighth month in the old Roman calendar, October, retained its name (from the Latin “octo” meaning “eight“) after January and February were inserted into the calendar around 750 B.C. (October Wikipedia article).
October holds a special place in my heart, not only because it embodies the Fall season, but because I was born on the second day of the tenth month (frivolous sidebar: subtract two from ten you get eight). So to with octal, although I rarely think in terms of just eight digits these days.
Way, way back, before IBM introduced it’s PC (aka Personal Computer) to the world, during the mid to late 70s, my father built several home computers using various early operating systems, including CP/M and DR DOS. Just as I began to blossom mathematically through early exposure to algebra and geometry, I cut my intellectual eye-teeth on octal, hexadecimal, assembly language and machine code.
So it seemed fitting at the end of September, that I decided to increase my daily step goal from seven thousand to eight thousand. Are you scratching your head yet? Or just rolling your eyes?
I am happy to report I met my new goal of eight thousand steps eighty-four percent (84%) of the time. I had five days I did not reach my goal, one of which I would have met the goal had I not accidentally reset my pedometer a few minutes before retiring for bed.
In reviewing the data collected by my pedometer, I learned I’m walking, on average, about twenty-five (25) miles per week and getting roughly an hour’s worth of exercise time in the process. That means, since the beginning of September, I’ve put nearly two hundred (200*) miles wear on my walking shoes! I think it’s time for a new pair, or at least a new pair of inserts.
The latter half of November will be a challenge. Travel and holiday guests may put a crimp on my ability to meet my daily step goal. Only time will tell.
See you next month, same step channel, same step time.
* That’s thirty-one (31) in octal, by the way.
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