Photo exhibit marking Union Station’s 99th anniversary
I didn’t know that our Union Station was the second largest train station in the United States. And it turns 99 tomorrow.
Sunsets, Stars, West, Wind
Photo exhibit marking Union Station’s 99th anniversary
I didn’t know that our Union Station was the second largest train station in the United States. And it turns 99 tomorrow.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Read in June 2009
As Atticus said “Rape, riot and runaways” mixed together with prejudice and intolerance told from the eyes of a spunky young girl nicknamed Scout in 1930s Maycomb Alabama. The antics of the children, Scout, Jem and Dill, caused me to shake my head in wonder. But the adult antics merely sickened me, aside from the glimmering lights in the darkness of Atticus, Miss Maudie and Arthur Radley.
The story was well written and sparks discussion even today. Lest History repeat itself, I recommend this to everyone so that we can all be on guard against bigotry and discrimination.
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Those Who Hunt the Night by Barbara Hambly
Read in October 2009
Vampires without the romance. Very refreshing. Well drawn historical setting in late 19th or early 20th century London and Paris.
James Asher, a professor of philology at Oxford, and his wife Lydia, also a doctor, but of medicine, are reluctantly coerced into investigating the case of a serial vampire killer. Don Simon Ysidro, a Spanish vampire old enough to remember (and barely survive) the great London fire of 1666, forces James into his service by threatening Lydia’s life.
Rather than risking his wife’s precarious safety and sending her into hiding, he recruits her help in tracking down both the vampire killer, and the vampire victims haunts and hidey-holes. Lydia pursues the research through probate courts, registrar of deed office, newspaper articles and other public records and resist’s the siren call of the medical pathology mystery of vampirism while James accompanies Ysidro to interrogate London’s undead citizens.
Continue reading “Book Review: Those Who Hunt the Night by Hambly (3.5 Stars)”
The Battle for Power on the Internet
Very long article but interesting analogy to medieval feudalism.
Bit long winded but well worth the read.
Why Everyone Should Be Reading Ancillary Justice
I read Ancillary Justice last week but no time to write a review yet. Read this review (follow link above) because she nails it.
And I agree … go buy this book right now and read it.
I laughed out loud for the road sign one. The rest are good/funny as well.
Comet Ison Oct 6, 2013
I’ve been searching the pre-dawn skies the past week with my binoculars but have not found Comet ISON yet. In the meantime, astrophotographer Tom Martinez captured it and shared it with us via his blog.
NSA reportedly collecting millions of email address books and IM contact lists worldwide
Reminds me of the days of my youth and the party-line telephone our family shared with about four of our neighbors. Only this time it’s not the farmer’s wife next door that’s eavesdropping … it’s good old not-so-trustworthy Uncle Sam.