While I’ve never been poverty stricken I did grow up in a very frugal environment and raised both our kids on a fairly tight budget. It’s only been in the past couple of years that I’ve felt less worried about finances and more concerned with health issues and aging.
Day: February 1, 2014
Messier 82 and SN 2014J – January 29, 2014 | Astronomy Sketch of the Day
Nice sketch of the Cigar galaxy and the recent supernova.
Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon
Article: IT’s Losing Battle Against Cloud Adoption
IT’s Losing Battle Against Cloud Adoption
Food for thought for what I struggle and wrestle with on weekdays.
Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon
Article: Kansas bill would bar cities from selling cable, Internet services
Kansas bill would bar cities from selling cable, Internet services
I am appalled this is happening in my home state. I want Time Warner to have to compete against anyone else in the broadband market in municipality. It galls me to no end that Time Warner sits on its hind end and provides inferior service while enjoying a monopoly blessed by my own city government.
Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon