I’ll link in a few of my favorite art pieces from the above article later this evening.
Justin Gerard (http://www.justingerard.com/), who said about painting The Hobbit, “I like drawing monsters that are just a little bit human, and who have personalities that you might recognize in people you’ve encountered in your own adventures, and The Hobbit has the very best of these.”
Greg and Tim Hildebrandt (http://www.brothershildebrandt.com/) and An Unexpected Party.A battle scene by Matthew Stewart (http://www.matthew-stewart.com/):Jonny Hodgson’s (http://jonnyhodgsonart.blogspot.com/) painting based largely on Tolkien’s Smaug graphic (seen at the end of this post.)And a pen-and-ink, also from Frank Frazetta (http://frankfrazetta.org/).As I mentioned, this whole post could be full of Alan Lee (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Lee_%28illustrator%29):Tolkien’s Smaug graphic
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