Today is my last day of my 51st year on this planet. It’s been a quiet day. I woke at my usual time of five o’clock in the morning, before sunrise. I didn’t walk either dog this morning. I did take several closeups of Porthos, despite his not wanting to hold still or look at the camera. Afterwards, I started reading my next book club read and wrote a review on a television series I finished watching on day 18,991.

I did walk up the hill to the Lansing Community Library to volunteer for a couple of hours at the circulation desk. I do this almost every Saturday and have for most of this past year. On the return trip, I picked up my mail and found two birthday cards, one from my aunt and uncle and one from a long time friend who now lives back east in Virginia.
Later, I’ll make a run to the grocery store and maybe finish mowing the side yard. I’ll leave the back yard mowing for tomorrow or Monday. I’m on call for work this weekend and have had only one call from the help desk, which I took care of earlier this afternoon. I might be on call, but I decided to take Monday off to make my birthday weekend a three day event. And besides, I don’t do Mondays this time of year. Whatever vacation I have left by this time of the year goes to taking off every available Monday until New Year’s Eve. Use it or lose it.
Tomorrow, for my birthday ‘treat’ I’m dragging my husband and my dad to the Nelson-Atkins Art Gallery for the last day of their exhibit of ancient Roman luxury items. The return trip home will involve a stop at Olive Garden.
Halfway through day 18, 992.
Probably a good time to take a nap.