Wildflower Garden Update

20160609_055708Last fall, we had some landscaping done on the east and north sides of the house. The south side just had some fill dirt graded against the foundation and a cherry try planted between the apple tree and the fence. We also removed the bothersome mulberry terry from the corner of the fenced backyard.

I attempted to grow sunflowers last summer with limited success.  This year, I decided I wanted a wildflower garden to give bees and hopefully hummingbirds something to enjoy.  I bought a bag of wildflower seed, raked the fill dirt to loosen it and even it out and liberally sprinkled the seed along the entire south wall of the house.  A few weeks later, I’m starting to see blooms, thanks in no small part to nearly ten inches of rain we received in May.

Here are a few photos of the flowers popping up in my first ever wildflower garden:






To see more photos, click on this link to my Wildflower Garden album, which I will keep updating with new photos as new blooms arrive.

And since I’m not much of a gardener nor a botanist, if anyone can identify the flowers I’ve depicted here (or in the album), please comment with the name of the flower or plant.

Have a great rest of your weekend!

2 thoughts on “Wildflower Garden Update”

  1. Last two are cosmos, which are annuals but sometimes self-seed. In WI, we have to buy them every year. Third from the bottom is probably a coreopsis. There’s a lot of varieties of those! I’m thinking the one above that is a sweet pea. Hard to be sure without more greenery for me. I think most of those will be annuals.

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