Sunday Sunrise

I almost missed the sunrise this morning because I overdid it yesterday trying to contain my oak tree’s leaf largesse.  I ran out of leaf bags (two left over from last year plus ten more purchased this week from Home Depot) and the rain (or is that reign?) of leaves continues.

I fell out of bed at about a quarter to six and this is what I saw out my bedroom window:

Sunday sunriseNot bad with just my smartphone camera on “Dawn” setting.

I’m taking the rest of the morning ‘off’ to recover from yesterday.  Home remodeling projects will be calling my name this afternoon.

Good morning!

eBook Review: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Irving (3 Stars)

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving

3 out of 5 stars

Read in December 2008

Washington Irving painted beautifully detailed scenes of rural New England. He also had a healthy sense of humor and wit. This story read like it was being narrated by the fireside in a tavern or pub on a blustery autumn evening.

I read the edition available from Project Gutenberg (click on the book cover at left for more information).

Reflections in light of the new Fox series “Sleepy Hollow” …

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Article: How Working Remotely Changed My Life (and Can Change Yours, Too)

How Working Remotely Changed My Life (and Can Change Yours, Too)

If only … snowball’s chance in … well you know where.

The single most dangerous activity I do every workday is commute.  I’d live longer if I could eliminate that 2 hr 20 min black hole in my daily routine.

Product Review: Chromecast (4 stars)

Product:  Chromecast (link to Wikipedia article)

Apps supported at time of posting

4 out of 5 stars

Purchased in Oct 2013

I have an older plasma HD television (Panasonic 51″) that was highly rated by Consumer Reports at the time I purchased it (early 2008).  However, it was not a ‘smart’ TV and didn’t come with WiFi.  My AV Receiver is also showing its age (a Denon AVR 1508).  My biggest hangup with the Denon is the lack of HDMI inputs (only two) and the fact that it doesn’t repeat the audio signal supplied via the HDMI cable.  Next year I plan on upgrading to a better AV receiver with more inputs and functionality.

I am also a DirecTV subscriber, and have been for nearly as long as I’ve owned my plasma.  But I find myself watching less and less shows and channels provided by the hefty subscription cost (over $100 per month).  Too much crap and not enough quality.   I am also a Netflix subscriber (both DVD and streaming).  I decided a couple of weeks ago that I’d had enough and decided to risk some pocket change (less than $40) and purchase the Chromecast.

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