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Category: Art
Sunday Sunrise
I almost missed the sunrise this morning because I overdid it yesterday trying to contain my oak tree’s leaf largesse. I ran out of leaf bags (two left over from last year plus ten more purchased this week from Home Depot) and the rain (or is that reign?) of leaves continues.
I fell out of bed at about a quarter to six and this is what I saw out my bedroom window:
Not bad with just my smartphone camera on “Dawn” setting.
I’m taking the rest of the morning ‘off’ to recover from yesterday. Home remodeling projects will be calling my name this afternoon.
Good morning!
ASOD: Mist and Diamonds
Video: Photo exhibit marking Union Station’s 99th anniversary
Photo exhibit marking Union Station’s 99th anniversary
I didn’t know that our Union Station was the second largest train station in the United States. And it turns 99 tomorrow.
Overdue for a Sunrise
17 Passages From “Lord Of The Rings” Beautifully Recreated In Stained Glass – BuzzFeed Mobile
Perfect way to start off my day. Gorgeous art inspired by scenes from Tolkien’s Middle Earth.
Article: See why Kansas is a scenic bonanza
See why Kansas is a scenic bonanza
I live in Kansas. This is preaching to the choir. The Flint Hills are a personal favorite.
Watch “The Making of the Lawn Chair Stop Motion Animation” on YouTube
The bookend video to go with the one I shared this morning. I hope you enjoy this one as well.
Video: Lawn Chair 2
Lawn Chair 2
Surprisingly relaxing time lapse of lawn furniture making itself. Great thing to wake up to. Enjoy.
Article: More About The 40-Year-Old Picture That Makes People Smile
More About The 40-Year-Old Picture That Makes People Smile
The power of a single still black and white photograph. Brought tears to my eyes reading the photographers comments about it.