Kirk Got Something Right

According to io9, Captain Kirk is right when it comes to diplomacy, despite (or because of) his bad press.

Kirk, in particular, comes in for a lot of bad press, as a captain whose life gets horizontal in ways that have nothing to do with gravitational anomalies.

Chortling aside, the article above had some interesting observations.  Enjoy!

The Red Knight by Miles Cameron (5 stars)

This us next up in my ebook reading queue, after I finish Red Seas Under Red Skies.  In the meantime, enjoy my uncle’s thoughts on The Red Knight by Miles Cameron, which also comes highly recommended by Stefan Raets at his Far Beyond Reality blog.

Perfectly Preserved 1950s Home Is A Living Time Capsule

This goes out to my hubby who is a product of the 50s. And to my dad and uncle who were boys and teenagers during that decade.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

10 Shocking Ways the Second World War Could Have Ended Differently

A bunch of interesting WWII what ifs.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon