Article: US phone companies to explore replacing all phone numbers with IP addresses

US phone companies to explore replacing all phone numbers with IP addresses

Interesting idea.  Not sure it’s a sound or safe one for rural America.

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Article: Net neutrality petition gets a million signatures

Net neutrality petition gets a million signatures

I know it’s completely inappropriate but can I get an “Amen!” or “Hallelujah! ”

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Recipe Review: “The Easiest Pizza You’ll Ever Make by King Arthur Flour” (5 stars)

Recipe: The Easiest Pizza You’ll Ever Make: King Arthur Flour.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Baked: January 27, 2014

Home Made PizzaMy most recent order from King Arthur Flour (taking advantage of one of their frequent free shipping promotions) included their Pizza Dough Flavor.  Since I wanted to take advantage of this new seasoning, I didn’t use my standard pizza crust mix found in King Arthur’s 200th Anniversary cookbook.  Instead, I searched through the recipes available at King Arthur’s website and decided to try the one listed above.

I cut the recipe in half, just like I do the one from the cookbook, because my husband and I don’t need to make two or three large pizzas.  One large one is plenty for a couple of meals.  I also don’t let the dough rise but for a few minutes, long enough for me to heat the oven up to 450 degrees.  Terry and I prefer thin, crispy crusts so rising is never a necessity.

Continue reading “Recipe Review: “The Easiest Pizza You’ll Ever Make by King Arthur Flour” (5 stars)”

The wheel paradox that stumped Aristotle and Galileo

Head scratching math paradox as an appetizer before dinner this evening.


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The 7 Most Intriguing Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of God

I knew there was a reason I never pined to be a philosophy major in college.  Although Descartes gets my vote for being eminently mathematical and practical.

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Addendum from my uncle:

There were five “proofs” in my day, and two arguments why there couldn’t be a God.

What all these arguments (pro and con) lack, even the ones which are “sufficient” is that they aren’t “necessary.” They might explain how God might be possible, or not possible, (some better than others) but they don’t PROVE the existence or nonexistence of God.

Therefore, they fail to accomplish what they purport to do: prove the existence of God.

Continue reading “The 7 Most Intriguing Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of God”

Jaw-dropping Photographs Capture the Sublime Power of Superstorms

Living all my life in Tornado Alley, I’m fascinated by the weather and photographing it.

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Article: As ‘The Monuments Men’ movie nears its opening, KC celebrates its ties –

As ‘The Monuments Men’ movie nears its opening, KC celebrates its ties –

Hometown connection and I was already looking forward to this movie.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon