Amazon said to play hardball in book contract talks with publishing house Hachette – The Washington Post


What makes the dispute between Amazon and Hachette different is that Amazon’s tactics have no obvious consumer benefit, a key antitrust consideration.

The group “deplores any attempt by any party that would seek to injure and punish innocent authors — and their innocent readers — in order to pursue its position in a business dispute. We believe that such actions are analogous to hostage-taking to extort concessions, and are just as indefensible.”  — Gail Hochman, president of the Association of Authors’ Representatives

What kind of entity in a competitive market would willfully drive customers into the arms of its competitors unless it believes it doesn’t really have any competitors? Can you imagine Best Buy refusing to deliver for a period of weeks what’s available from its competitors? But Amazon behaves as though they’re the only game in town. And increasingly they are. It’s a head-scratcher why anyone with regulatory authority would tolerate it. If this is not an example of untoward power, I don’t know what is. — Scott Turow, a Hachette author and former president of the Authors Guild and a lawyer.

As a reader, I enjoy low prices but I don’t want prices so low that the authors finally decide it’s not worth it and quit writing.

Worse than Wal-Mart: Amazon’s sick brutality and secret history of ruthlessly intimidating workers –

Amazon’s system of employee monitoring is the most oppressive I have ever come across and combines state-of-the-art surveillance technology with the system of “functional foreman,” introduced by Taylor in the workshops of the Pennsylvania machine-tool industry in the 1890s.

I hope Germany sets a precedent that will finally wake up those in the US and UK who can improve working conditions and wages at Amazon facilities.

Article: Did Apple conspire to fix ebook prices? The DOJ takes Cupertino to court on Monday

Did Apple conspire to fix ebook prices? The DOJ takes Cupertino to court on Monday

Somewhat old news in the sense that there’s nothing really new to report. I just wish this case had its sights set on Amazon.