Internet traffic jams are widespread in the US, and are probably about to get a lot worse | The Verge

ISP interconnection has a substantial impact on consumer internet performance –sometimes a severely negative impact — and that business relationships between ISPs, and not major technical problems, are at the root of the problems we observed.

An interesting study with an intriguing conclusion.

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Article: The 6 things you need to know about today’s FCC proposal on net neutrality

The 6 things you need to know about today’s FCC proposal on net neutrality

Time to write a letter to the FCC.  See the last paragraph of the above article for address information.

This is not the news I wanted to wake up to today.

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Article: FCC Confirms Chairman Will Revise Net Neutrality Proposal

FCC Confirms Chairman Will Revise Net Neutrality Proposal

Looks like good news.  I’ll wait to cheer until later in the week when it’s official v or public.

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There’s something rotten in the state of online video streaming, and the data is starting to emerge — Tech News and Analysis

Unfortunately ISPs gloss over the real debate, which is whether transit providers, content companies and CDNs should have to pay to peer — that is, pay for the right to deliver all of the traffic that an ISP’s users are demanding — given that the end user has paid the ISP to deliver the content the user has asked for?

It’s a long article but full of insights into the battle for broadband going on v out of sight and mind of most consumers.

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Article: US phone companies to explore replacing all phone numbers with IP addresses

US phone companies to explore replacing all phone numbers with IP addresses

Interesting idea.  Not sure it’s a sound or safe one for rural America.

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Article: Net neutrality petition gets a million signatures

Net neutrality petition gets a million signatures

I know it’s completely inappropriate but can I get an “Amen!” or “Hallelujah! ”

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Would ending Net neutrality mean a better Web or a digital divide? –

I was a bit surprised to read an article on net neutrality from my local metropolitan newspaper.  Good balanced one too.

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Article: What you need to know about the court decision that just struck down net neutrality

What you need to know about the court decision that just struck down net neutrality

Not sure what I need to do to take action to preserve an open internet. Appealing to Supreme Court probably not a good idea. Suppose I’ll write my Congressmen, although the ISPs and cable industry have probably already bought them.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon