For my first entry in my Gratitude Journal, I want to expound on the joys of frozen mocha cookie crumbly goodness. For the past couple of months (summertime), this scrumptious treat has been available from Starbucks ~ the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappaccino. I took the photo (to the right) yesterday afternoon after making a quick stop between the Country Club Plaza and Crown Center.
Yesterday wasn’t particularly hot, but for the third day in a row, I left work with a persistent headache, possibly related to job/project stress or the weather (low pressure system most of the week). I don’t like to take any medications if I can avoid it, so when I do get a headache, I reach for chocolate or a caffeinated drink. In this case, I doubled down with a frozen blended mocha cookie beverage. My headache vanished before I made it halfway to the bottom.
Thus I’m very grateful for the ease with which my headache left and for the incredibly delicious way in which I encouraged its exile. And also grateful that there are two Starbucks near where I work: one within walking distance on the Plaza and one on Main Street that I pass twice daily.
No, I don’t give in to temptation and treat myself every day. Just occasionally … once a month or every other week. I tried to make up for the extra calories I ingested yesterday by walking Apollo last night.