I tied off and finished my second crochet project of 2011 this evening. I probably could have made the moebius scarf just a bit bigger, but it will do. When I drape it over my head and then double it around my neck, it snuggle covers my ears and keeps my throat toasty.

After taking a few final photographs of my new scarf, I immediately began a second scarf as a Valentine’s Day gift for my hubby. Using Lion Brand Yarn’s Wool-Ease (worsted weight in black), I started crocheting an extremely simple ribbed scarf pattern. I should easily be able to finish the scarf before next Monday.

I crocheted during WolfGuard‘s regularly scheduled Wednesday evening rehearsal, approximately three hours, and by my estimate crocheted over one thousand five hundred stitches on the third project of 2011. While they worked on some new cover songs during the first session(Aerials by System of a Down and Cumbersome by Seven Mary Three), the last half of practice included such classics as Rush’s Finding My Way; BOC’s Godzilla; Metallica’s For Whom the Bell Tolls; and, the show-stopping, heart-pounding, easy-to-lose-count-of-your-stitch-in-time Iron Maiden’s The Trooper. If that doesn’t tangle your skein, nothing will.