A Trivial Holiday

Re-posting this from the weekly e-mail I subscribe to from Ken Jennings, which he coins as “Tuesday Trivia”:

Season’s greetings from Tuesday Trivia! Christmas and trivia go together like a creepy Bing Crosby-David Bowie duet, so we hope you enjoy this Christma-Hanuk-Kwanzaa-themed installment of our weekly quiz.

Now BRING US OUR FIGGY PUDDING!  We won’t go until we get some.  And some pudding.


  1. How many tiny reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh, in the poem that begins “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”?
  2. What sitcom featured a character with the very festive full name of “Christmas Noelle Snow”?
  3. Which of the three traditional gifts brought by the three wise men has the highest market value today?
  4. Rod Carew was a Minnesota Twin, but who are the only *real* twins name-checked in Adam Sandler’s “Hanukkah Song”?
  5. Most commercial Advent calendars begin on what date?
  6. “Christmas disease” is another name for the ‘B’ type of what disease, most famously suffered by Alexei Romanov?
  7. What unusual distinction is held by these countries in this order, and no others?  Spain, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia.


As with all good trivia, it would take you about 30 seconds to Google the answers to the first six questions above.  So you’re on the honor system here: no peeking, and only send in the answers you knew off the top of your head.  Answers will appear in next week’s mailing.

The seventh and final question every week is a “What do they have in common?” question, designed to be harder to Google.  As I arrange to send out goodies to high scorers, it will be on the basis of these seventh questions only.

Send responses to tuesdaytrivia@ken-jennings.com by noon Pacific each following Monday.  That’s also the address to contact if you missed the quiz one week and need to request a replacement.


Enjoy and Merry Christmas!


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