Movie Review: Man on a Ledge (2012)

Man on a Ledge (2012)

3.5 out of 5 stars

A better than average thriller starring a couple of my favorite actors: Sam Worthington and Ed Harris (although the latter looked like he had recently been ill and lost some weight).  I enjoyed seeing Anthony Mackie again, whom I loved in The Adjustment Bureau, but can’t say I liked his character in this movie.

I can’t disclose too much about the plot without spoiling most of it (which is true for most thrillers).  Worthington is a police officer, who lost his appeal and faces twenty-five years in prison.  He knows he’s innocent (but haven’t we heard that from just about any convict?) and he’s got nothing to lose.  He escapes while attending his father’s funeral and then places himself on a ledge high above New York City streets, but not for the obvious reason.

You’ll be on the edge of your seat trying to keep up with the twists, turns and surprises.

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