Article: Finally, A Way To Find Movies Worth Watching On Netflix

Finally, A Way To Find Movies Worth Watching On Netflix

I’ll give this site a try this weekend.  This is exactly why i don’t like Netflix streaming: I am not going to waste my time slogging through the slush pile of Rotten Tomatoes to find that one priceless pearl of a movie to watch.  There’s always a great book waiting on my shelf to read commercial free and quiet.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

3 thoughts on “Article: Finally, A Way To Find Movies Worth Watching On Netflix”

  1. Sounds interesting. The link inside the article didn’t work; neither did a directed search. Perhaps The Better Queue site is down.

  2. The “A Better Queue” web site is down, probably from all the people eagerly wanting to take advantage of their site. Hopefully, it will be back up and scaled to handle increased demand soon.

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