Afternoon Dragons with Tea

Some of my favorites from a post at today entitled “Picturing Dragons”

by Jaime Jones

by Stephen Hickman
Another one by Jaime Jones. “This is one of those paintings that instantly places you there. Each time I see it, all I can think of is, ‘We are so screwed.’…and then I remember to admire the light, the composition….” — Irene Gallo
Uncredited but ‘it’s a painting of Huangdi’ — Irene Gallo
by John Howe, one of the great Tolkien artists
by Michael Pedro
A Flight of Sky Knights by Kekai Kotaki.
by Raoul Vitale … off adventuring

There are many more where these came from.

Now, where did I put my tea and the dragon to warm said tea back up with.

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