Hugo Awards Voting Adventure: Remainder of Retro Hugos

Tomorrow the winners will be announced for the 1939 Retro Hugo Awards.

The 1939 Retro Hugo Awards can be watched online via ustream. The stream will be located at The Retro Hugo Awards Ceremony starts at 8PM BST (or 2PM Central) on Thursday 14 August.

Retro Hugo Awards Ceremony, LonCon3

I’ve covered the main ‘big’ categories in previous posts.  Today, I’ll summarize the remaining ones that are less, ‘sexy’, for lack of a better term.


  • John W. Campbell *
  • Walter H. Gillings
  • Raymond A. Palmer
  • Mort Weisinger
  • Farnsworth Wright

The voter packet didn’t include examples for any of the above nominees, not even a list.  So I went with the one editor/author I’ve read and loved — John W. Campbell.


  • Margaret Brundage
  • Virgil Finlay
  • Frank R. Paul
  • Alex Schomburg *
  • H. W. Wesso

I was a dunce and didn’t make note of my actual votes before voting closed.  Now I can’t review my ballot.  So I just went back to the voter packet and reviewed all the artwork provided for each of these artists.  If I’m remembering correctly, I gave the top spot to Alex Schomburg, but I can’t remember how I ranked the other artists.  I’d share some examples, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to.


  • Fantascience Digest edited by Robert A. Madle
  • Fantasy News edited by James V. Taurasi
  • Imagination! edited by Forrest J Ackerman, Morojo, and T. Bruce Yerke
  • Novae Terrae edited by Maurice K. Hanson *
  • Tomorrow edited by Douglas W. F. Mayer

Obviously, it’s difficult to find any of these fanzines from 75 years ago.  I chose between the two that were included in the voter packet:  Novae Terrae and Tomorrow


  • Forrest J Ackerman
  • Ray Bradbury *
  • Arthur Wilson “Bob” Tucker
  • Harry Warner, Jr.
  • Donald A. Wollheim

Again, the voter packet included only one example, from Bob Tucker.  Since I’d read several items by Bradbury, I gave him top spot.  Yes, I took the easy way out on this one.

Next Time: Remainder of 2014 Hugo Award categories