Modesitt on the Cruelty of Absolute Certainty

Quotable excerpt from middle of Modesitt’s blog posting:

The consequences of such absolutist beliefs have always been deadly, and usually terrifying, and that hasn’t changed, either. That was a lesson the Founding Fathers understood, and understood well. Because they didn’t want an absolutist government, they did their best to come up with a system that required a certain amount of compromise to work.

Well… now no one wants to compromise, and guess what… the system doesn’t work. What about that, exactly, is so hard to understand?

But I will have to part ways with some of his thinking, at least as he sums it up in the last paragraph.  I do agree that driving at high speeds, while drinking, texting, sleepy, distracted, etc. is a very bad thing, and in most of the United States is illegal, I can’t agree with his stance on guns.  A gun is a tool and won’t fire itself.  Any harm done by a gun (or any other weapon or bomb or poison or … you get the picture) falls clearly on the person wielding said weapon.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon