A Mid-Summer Night’s Streaming

This past week I took a break from watching movies I’d requested through my local library (see my previous post about dumping my Netflix DVD subscription) and switched to streaming two new (to us) science fiction series via Amazon Prime.

My favorite thing about streaming a series is not having to wait a week between episodes, especially when you are coming late to the party.  I do occasionally binge watch, but usually no more than four (4) episodes at once.  I have limited myself to two (2) episodes a night of The Man in the High Castle with a solo sandwiched between allowing me to complete five (5) episodes this week.  And I must say I am hooked.

It’s been years since I read PKD’s novel but even with my vague recollections I’m riveted by this production.  I’ve pulled out my ebook edition to reread, but that won’t prevent me from continuing on with the rest of season one.  There’s a reason PKD has so many adaptations.  If you haven’t read anything by him, I highly recommend him.

The second series we started watching this week was Humans (stylized with an upside down A).  I decided to watch this series based on an article I read months ago that stated if you really want to experience a robot rebellion, try Humans instead of or in addition to Westworld.  I very much enjoyed Westworld, especially the cinematography, production quality, story and acting, which sets a very high bar for Humans to meet.  

We’ve only watched three (3) episodes and to be honest, I prefer the production and acting quality of High Castle than what I’ve seen so far in Humans.  Granted, High Castle is a bit more high stakes emotionally so I’ll give Humans until the end of the first season before I pass judgment on continuing to the second season.

In the snail’s world of Prime Time broadcast television, we did watch the premiere of Salvation last week and with only one episode watched I plan to continue until it bores me.  I have little hope that one of the big three (in this case CBS) will give the show the resources necessary to stay for the long haul.  The old networks have a poor track record when it comes to quality science fiction programming.

And every Friday at least for the summer, I get my fix of Dark Matter.  Last week’s episode ended with what might be a tiny robot rebellion, although I believe it will actually prove out to be robot possession.  Only time will tell.

The only thing left on my series bucket list is The Handmaid’s Tale and as I mentioned last week, I’d rather not sign up for yet another streaming service (in this case Hulu).  Does anyone know if Hulu will release their original series to DVD or BluRay?

2 thoughts on “A Mid-Summer Night’s Streaming”

    1. Since I’m not a Hulu subscribing and don’t plan to be one, no I haven’t had a change to watch The Handmaid’s Tale. It looks like I’m going to have to purchase the first season via Google Play or Amazon Prime, unless they eventually release it to DVD, at which time I will watch it via my local library media collection.

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