Book Review: Archangel by Shinn

Archangel by Sharon Shinn

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beyond Reality February 2012 Science Fiction Selection

The protagonist, Rachel, grabbed me immediately. Not only was she a superb vocalist, she reminded me in so many ways of my own daughter, also named Rachelle, and who is also a superb vocalist (mezzo soprano, though, instead of Rachel’s coloratura soprano). As soon as I finished the book, I sent a recommendation off to my Rachelle, hoping she’d read it and enjoy it as much as I did.

The religious references intrigued me (and sometimes made me laugh – did anyone else think that the name of Semorrah was a mashed-up condensation of Sodom and Gemorrah?) and the musical elements fascinated me. I play piano, attempt to sing (not as well trained as my daughter, so I gave it up as a lost cause at this point in my life) and I know basic music theory. My husband has years of training (jazz trumpet and guitar), composes music and has perfect relative pitch; all of which he passed on to our daughter.

On the question of whether this novel is science fiction or fantasy, I leaned towards the former early on. Once introduced to the oracle Josiah in Archangel, I began to believe I was reading a science fiction story (perhaps along the lines of Pern?). But the rest of the novel revealed little beyond that scene with the Oracle. Another clue could also be derived from the ‘smallness’ of their ‘planet’ in area and scope.

I interpreted the singing as magical. The story is mostly a romance, which I normally avoid like the plague, but in this case it worked well.

I have not decided yet if I will continue this series. I’ll have to research my friends’ reviews of it and see if it gets better or if this installment is as good as it gets.

All in all, I really enjoyed Archangel, even if it seemed to be a romance masquerading as a fantasy with hints of science fiction sprinkled throughout.

Movie Review: Hancock (2008)

Hancock (2008)

3 out of 5 stars

Terry and I surfed the St. Patrick’s Day line-up in despair of finding anything to watch.  ABC Family Channel had a Harry Potter marathon running opposite a Die Hard Day marathon on AMC.  We finally settled on doing a double-play (watching two channels simultaneously, sort of, from our DVR) of Hancock on FX and the original Die Hard on AMC.  We paused the movies long enough to grill up some Honey Garlic boneless chicken thighs and try some brown rice and quinoa.

This is probably the third or fourth time I’ve watched Hancock.  FX mutilated it for content and to fit the time allotted but I could easily fill-in-the-blanks from my previous viewings.  Not an earth-shattering story or performance, beyond Hancock’s abrupt take-off and landings, but a nice diversion for an otherwise lazy Saturday evening at home.

Movie Review: The Adventures of TinTin (2011)

The Adventures of TinTin (2011)

2.5/3 stars out of 5

I could definitely see the hand of Spielberg in the production and direction of this film.  I did not realize, however, that the story was based upon a comic strip.  John Williams composed the score, even though I could almost hear themes from many of his other more famous film scores, echoing and ricocheting throughout the film.

While I enjoyed watching the film, I just wasn’t wowed by it.  In fact, both Terry and I fell asleep the first time we attempted it.  We tried again on the following day, and I made it to the finish, but Terry nodded off a couple of times again.  All the action and adventure probably would have had more impact in a non-animated production for me.  If you’re going to use guns and other lethal weapons, I guess I prefer live-action (or CGI-enhanced live-action) to the purely animated medium.

Venus and Jupiter, Passing in the Night

For the past week, weather permitting, I took a series of photographs from my backyard during the early evening.  I tried to get the tripod and camera positioned in roughly the same spot.  I also tried to remember to take the photos at about the same time, during the eight o’clock hour.  I believe I was more or less successful.  The following are the best of the bunch in the progression of the mid-March 2012 Venus Jupiter Conjunction:

Jupiter (upper left) Venus (lower right) on Fri 03/09/2012
Jupiter (upper left) Venus (lower right) on Fri 03/09/2012
Jupiter (upper left) Venus (lower right) Sat 03/10/2012
Jupiter (upper left) Venus (lower right) Sat 03/10/2012
Jupiter (left) Venus (right) as close as they get on Monday evening 03/12/2012
Jupiter (left) Venus (right) as close as they get on Monday evening 03/12/2012
Venus pulling away from Jupiter
Venus (right) pulling away from Jupiter (left) Tues 03/13/2012
Venus rising above Jupiter
Venus (right) rising above Jupiter (left) Wed 03/14/2012
Jupiter falling, Venus rising
Jupiter (left) falling, Venus (right) rising on Thursday, the Ides of March, 03/15/2012

To see the entire set of photos, please visit my Venus Jupiter Conjunction album.

Remembering Roxy: Circling the Wagons

Roxy with one of her indestructible ring toys (May 2007)

I have many great memories of Roxy to share. I hope most of them make you smile. Some of them may even make you laugh out loud. All of them will be bittersweet for me, but still precious.  So, I plan to share them with you on a weekly basis, probably on Fridays, as I will have the hardest time getting through a weekend without Roxy to cheer me up.

I dreaded walking up the fronts steps these last five days.  Apollo met me at the door, but his tail didn’t thump-thump-thump against the dividing rail between the entryway and the dining area.  He wagged his tail at the sight of me, but he wasn’t crowded out of the way by Roxy.  She usually stood front and center, eagerly gripping her ring toy in her mouth, dancing back and forth in front of Apollo.  I usually had to order them both to back up so I could squeeze through the screen door.

I would carefully thread the needle of swirling Rottweilers and unburden myself of my purse and laptop case in the great room.  Once my hands were free, I could pet each of them, although Roxy would continually circle around me in an effort to head Apollo off from getting too much attention.

If I decided to sit down, Roxy would either approach me and plop herself down on my feet, facing away from me, or continue circling the great room with her ring toy.  We affectionately called this parading around ‘circling the wagons.’  Sometimes Apollo would stealthily attempt to snatch the toy from her jaws and then the fun really began.

Roxy, being the nearly full blooded Rottweiler, could easily keep Apollo, the half-breed, from her toy.  Her jaw strength and stubbornness exceeded his.  But Apollo never played fair and used stealth and guile to trick Roxy into dropping it.  Sometimes, he would even go so far as to lay on the ring toy, which drove Roxy into a fit of apoplexy.  Eventually she would start circling him faster and faster and even go so far as to bark repeatedly at him.  Unless Terry or I told Apollo to get up, he would ignore Roxy’s tantrum.

Roxy’s ring toys sit idle in the great room.  I’ve tried a couple of times this week, as has Terry, to get Apollo to play catch and fetch, but Apollo only made half-hearted attempts.  Apollo would much prefer to play tug-of-war with Roxy.   He still doesn’t understand why she’s gone.   If only I spoke better dog, then I might be able to tell him what happened.  Perhaps it’s a blessing for him that I can’t.

Movie Review: Real Steel (2011)

Real Steel (2011)

3.5-4 out of 5 stars

I needed some brainless mind candy this week and the next thing in my Netflix queue just happened to serve up Real Steel starring Hugh Jackman (of Wolverine and Leopold fame).

When I saw the trailers last year, the first thing I thought of was a video game my kids used to play called One Must Fall.   Actually, the screenplay is based on a science fiction short story called ‘Steel’ published in 1956 by Richard Matheson (of I Am Legend fame).

For once, I admit I agree with Roger Ebert on this film, when he stated, “Real Steel is a real movie. It has characters, it matters who they are, it makes sense of its action, it has a compelling plot. Sometimes you go into a movie with low expectations and are pleasantly surprised.”  My sentiments exactly.  I came away very pleasantly surprised, giving my heart a much needed boost up from a devastating loss at home this week.

I did get a chuckle out of a couple of scenes as Atom began his climb up the robot boxing ranks.  A nod and a wink back to Every Which Way But Loose and at least one of the Rocky films.  I probably missed some other scenes that referenced other boxing films of the past, due to my limited experience in that film subcategory.

This movie kept me up way past my bedtime, but I didn’t mind at all.  Take a chance on Atom and enjoy Real Steel soon.

Movie Review: John Carter (2012)

JohnCarterMoviePosterJohn Carter (2012)

4-4.5 out of 5 stars

I loved this film.  I would even go so far to say I loved it better than the original book the screenplay was adapted from, A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice BurroughsAs soon as the BluRay for John Carter is released, I am buying it.  That’s saying something, since I haven’t actually purchased a DVD or BluRay for myself in years (as a Netflix subscriber, why would I?).  The last film worthy of that feat (but only on the discount table because I’m so cheap) would have been Live Free or Die Hard, but I didn’t get the chance since my daughter gifted it to me for my birthday last year. I plan to add John Carter to my permanent collection, shelving it next to my special collector’s editions of Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings.

Go see John Carter.  Now.  Don’t wait.

You don’t need to be a fan of science fiction or epic fantasy to appreciate a good tale well told, one that leaves you shouting for more.


Oh, and I almost forgot.  I liked the musical score as well, which came as no surprise when the credits started rolling and listed Michael Giacchino as the composer.   His work on The Incredibles impressed me so much I bought the soundtrack CD (another thing I haven’t done since the days of Star Wars).


Walking Roxy
The very last photo I took of Roxy (Fri 9 Mar 2012)

Terry and I are devastated.  We lost Roxy yesterday, unexpectedly.  I decided to stay home today and try to deal with this loss.  So far, I haven’t slept much and I miss her terribly.

So if you don’t see much from me here for a few days, don’t panic.  I’m just mourning the loss of my favorite ditzy Rottweiler.

May she rest in peace until we meet again.

Click here for a page of memories and photos dedicated to Roxy.

Movie Review: Conan the Barbarian (2011)

Conan the Barbarian (2011)

3 out of 5 stars

I looked forward to this movie last summer, especially since I’d been watching Jason Momoa for years in Stargate: Atlantis and I’d recently read many of the original Conan stories penned by Robert E. Howard (see my reviews of The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian, The Best of Robert E. Howard: Crimson Shadows, and The Best of Robert E. Howard: Grim Lands).  Howard wrote primal, visceral characters, but also had a deft hand with humor.

I grew disappointed with the critical reviews after the release of the movie last summer, so rather than take a chance on wasting my money at the movie theater, I opted to wait for the BluRay release.  After returning The Adjustment Bureau to Netflix on Monday, Conan the Barbarian came next, arriving on Wednesday.  Due to a prior engagement Wednesday evening, my first opportunity to watch the BluRay came Thursday evening.

I can’t help but compare this to the previous Conan film from my teenage years in the 80s.  Even though I know, intellectually, that the other film did NOT adhere closely to Howard’s original creation, it still holds a special place in my memory and my heart.  The most obvious short falling for me, oddly, was the musical score.  I can still hear, in my head, many of the motifs written by Basil Poledouris (who I just learned was born in Kansas City).  Also, Sandahl Bergman as Valeria, remains one of my all-time favorite female warrior/barbarian film characters, and she also happens to be another Kansas City native.

So I had quite a bit of baggage to carry with me while watching the new Conan the Barbarian last night.  I had avoided this gauntlet long enough and now I was determined to forge ahead and damn the consequences.

Terry and I started the film early, because I didn’t know exactly how long it was and I needed to do a couple of after-hours tasks for my employer before falling asleep.  While I frequently checked the progress meter on the BluRay player’s display menu, the movie really didn’t drag or bog down too much.  I was disappointed in most of Momoa’s performance (I’ve seen him give better performances on the small screen in Stargate: Atlantis).  In fact most of the acting seemed ‘off’ for the actors I recognized.  I heard and saw many references to people and places mentioned in Howard’s many Conan stories, but I just don’t believe they quite captured the heart of Conan or the world of his Hyborian Age.

While it wasn’t great, Conan the Barbarian wasn’t nearly as bad as I feared it would be.

My next movie adventure happens on the really big screen at my local theater this weekend.  John Carter opens today.  And I already regret reading one review this morning that reminds me of my feelings and observations on watching Conan the Barbarian.  I will keep my fingers crossed.  Edgar Rice Burroughs, a contemporary of Robert E. Howard, deserves the best adaptation of his iconic character John Carter as we’ve given Conan.