When I read non-fiction, which isn’t often enough, I tend to favor biographies or histories. I picked up Nichols’ detailed microscopic compilation of a critical year in the life of President Eisenhower based on a review my uncle wrote. Being born and raised and still living in Kansas, I have an understandable preoccupation with one of our most famous and respected residents.
The extent of Nichols’ meticulous research impressed me. His delivery of the facts and circumstances and thoughts of key players (gleaned from personal notes and diaries) brought me to the center of the conflicts and the crises. I queried many older friends and family on what they remembered of 1956 (since I wasn’t born until eight years later), most of whom were too young at the time to really remember the Suez Canal crisis.
That didn’t stop me from feeling an echo of the anxiety and the beginning of our national belief in ‘mutually assured destruction’ (MAD – a very apropos acronym, don’t you think?). Eisenhower’s early understanding of the true horrors of thermonuclear warfare paved the way for his campaign of waging peace, even at the expense of some short-sighted WWII Allies. (For a great glimpse into an early (and now classic) apocalyptic novel, please see Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank, originally published in 1959 – click here for my review).
While reading this book, I visited the website for the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum. I learned the current exhibit entitled ‘Eisenhower: Agent of Change‘ ran until the end of January and the Library celebrates fifty years in 2012. As soon as I finished the book, I convinced my husband we needed to visit Abilene, since I could barely remember the last/first time I visited the Eisenhower Center (probably forty years ago or more). We spent a pleasant Saturday exploring the Museum, Library, boyhood home (intact and preserved on the grounds), the grounds and the final resting place of Dwight, Mamie and their son Doud (who died at the age of 3 in 1921).
Terry and I saw this in the theater about a week ago (on a Monday afternoon, since I had the day off from work). Matt Damon played the bereaved widower, Benjamin Mee, excellently but failed to convince me of his anguish as the widowed parent of a teenager. MacFadyen and Church provided some great comic relief, but Scarlet Johansson, as the lead zookeeper Kelly Foster, didn’t really click as the romantic interest for Damon’s character. Although, she totally captivated me while trying to convince Benjamin to ‘let go’ and euthanize a seventeen-year-old Bengal tiger. A good family film and a pleasant afternoon spent laughing and crying at the local movie theater.
I found this a difficult drama to watch. I could sympathize with both families. I could empathize to some extent with the gracious biological mother. I can’t say I was completely satisfied with the ending.
I originally wanted to watch this movie to follow Barry Pepper’s acting career (the last film I’d seen him in happened to be the remake of True Grit wherein he reprised the role of Ned Pepper well). His performance as Rip Porter, the stereotypical alcoholic abusive anger management posture child, met my expectations, but paled beside Mira Sorvino’s performance as his wife, Wendy Porter. Her character convincingly portrayed grace, forgiveness, resilience, perseverance and unclouded unconditional love on a scale I can only imagine and probably will never achieve.
The other couple (the affluent Campbells) got less sympathy from me, but that could have been intended by the filmmaker. Or perhaps a result of less convincing performances by Cole Hauser and Kate Levering.
If you’ve ever been in the position, as a woman, and needed to ask and answer the question “Do I abort my baby, or give it up for adoption?” you may find some surprising insights in Like Dandelion Dust.
Scrabble Tournament Mini-Flyer from Leavenworth Public Library
I checked out more than just a held book last night at the Leavenworth Public Library. The first thing I saw, literally at eye level, was a large announcement taped to the glass door proclaiming ‘Scrabble Spells Fun.’ This I already knew.
I even recognized the name Ricky Sirois from my previous attempts at competitive Scrabble. I asked at the front desk about the Scrabble event scheduled for Sunday afternoon, and she suggested I call the number listed on the mini-flyer she handed to me. The person whom I needed to contact did not work the evening shift at the Library.
I thought at first the event would be a simple Scrabble club meeting type get together, but when I reviewed the Library’s website, the event is billed as an actual tournament. I learned this after I had already called and left a message about attending. I let my membership in the National Scrabble Players Association lapse more than a year ago. I decided I didn’t have enough time to study like a real Scrabble competitor needs to study, nor could I afford the gas to attend the closest Scrabble club meeting held way down in Leawood every other weekend. In fact, I haven’t played a game of Scrabble with anyone in well over a year if not two.
So perhaps this is not the brightest thing I’ve ever dived into. Especially since I’m planning a day trip to the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene, Kansas on Saturday. I will have no time whatsoever to even review the allowed two letter words or all the words that start with Q. If only I had known about this two or three weeks ago. Oh, well. If I can find all my Scrabble playing paraphenalia (board, ProTiles, timer, score sheets, quick reference sheet, etc.), I can at least make an appearance and have some fun word playing.
Cramming in Some Word Study
I thought it might be a good idea to cram in some word studying today at lunch, so I downloaded my favorite Scrabble word study software: Zyzzyva (appropriately billed as the ‘Last Word in Word Study’). I’m about to find out how atrophied my word building muscles have gotten.
I needed to use the rest of my organic russet potatoes purchased while Rachelle visited us. Terry suggested potato soup, so I went searching for a new potato soup recipe, one with fewer calories (for me … Terry needs to put on weight so he can really load it down with cheese and bacon). I found one at SparkPeople, created by their Chef Meg Galvin called her Loaded Potato Soup.
Her prep time of fifteen minutes turned into my prep time of forty-five minutes, but I don’t have the benefit of years of knife skills honed to perfection on the culinary cutting board of her career. I did learn the proper way to cut an onion, thanks to several online knife skills videos.
I got my large saucepan out to heat up and began following her instructions. I did great until I reached the part where I was to add the spices. I had not laid out my non-vegetable ingredients before I started cooking, so I looked up at a partial list of ingredients on the recipe web page (partial because I had scrolled down to read the directions and the first half of the ingredients rolled out of sight off the top of the page). The pepper listed last was cayenne (a quarter teaspoon) which I immediately added to my saucepan. Then I needed to add the thyme, and I had to scroll back up to find out how much. When I found it, I realized the ingredient immediately preceding the thyme was black pepper. So, I had just mistakenly added the cayenne pepper where I should have added a half teaspoon of black pepper. Argh!.
I quickly read further through the directions and realized the cayenne was added, almost like a garnish, after you remove the bay leaf. I shrugged and added the black pepper, thyme and bay leaf, since there was nothing I could do about the cayenne pepper at this point. The rest of the process went without further mishap.
I simmered the soup for more than the suggested thirty minutes (probably more like forty-five minutes). I did not opt to add the corn nor the lettuce. And, rather than getting my blender dirty just to puree the soup, I used a mashed potato masher utensil instead.
I filled two bowls with the soup and crumbled turkey bacon over both of them. I added a handful of colby jack cheese to Terry’s bowl, but left my dairy-free. The soup had a bit of a kick, both from the yellow bell pepper and, I suspect, the too early application of the cayenne. But, both Terry and I cleaned our bowls.
I will probably try this recipe again, now that I am familiar with the process and can refine it for our palettes.
Summary from IMDB: Samuel Pierret (Gilles Lellouche) is a nurse who saves the wrong guy — a thief (Roschdy Zem) whose henchmen take Samuel’s pregnant wife (Elena Anaya) hostage to force him to spring their boss from the hospital. A race through the subways and streets of Paris ensues, and the body count rises. Can Samuel evade the cops and the criminal underground and deliver his beloved to safety?
I added this film to my Netflix streaming queue yesterday morning because after reviewing the DirecTV guide for Sunday the 15th, I could not find anything worth watching. Initially, I did not fully grasp the fact that the movie was filmed in France and had English subtitles. This did not put me off, though, as most action movies tend to have less dialog and I read very fast. Being able to pause and rewind also helps get the entire experience (not just the read dialog, but the body language of the actors).
That being said, this film impressed me. The story, the action, the stunts, even the acting, were every bit as good as movies made in Hollywood. In fact, it outshone many of those. This is by no means a ‘new’ twist on the ‘old’ crime thriller. It had all the usual suspects: organized crime henchmen and bosses, dedicated detectives and their bad apples (corrupt cops), innocent bystanders who push the moral envelope to ransom their kidnapped loved ones. Tons of tension and thrills abounded and I had no trouble staying riveted to the screen.
What's Left of the Street I Used to Live On (no longer has access to Main Street at the top of the hill)
I work up early Sunday morning. Nothing unusual for me, really, I try to wake up at the same time every morning, regardless of whether I work or not. I flipped on the Wii to do my morning weigh in. I’ve discovered in the last couple of weeks that contrary to my own belief, I eat less on weekends than weekdays. Perhaps because I’m more busy or distracted by housework and errands or fun stuff (like the benefit concert Saturday night). I am steadily losing the pounds, slowly but surely (or safely as both the Wii Fit Plus program and SparkPeople website reassure me). I decided to adjust my Yoga and Training routine to shorten it, with a goal to do roughly fifteen minutes every morning after my weigh-in. I’m finding it very easy to insert my cardio into my daily routine. It’s the strength training that’s tougher (in more ways than one).
Since I thought Terry had had a rough night with no sleep since he crawled into bed after five in the morning, I let him sleep and opted to attend church remotely via WFC‘s online campus. The lead teach pastor started a new sermon series last week urging us all to know Jesus (as opposed to knowing about Jesus). The second sermon of the series focused on Jesus as Creator. My notes haven’t made it online yet at my other blog, but will sometime today. Our plan had been to attend church at WFC’s Speedway campus, which just happens to take place inside the Legends 14 Theater. We prefer the praise band that leads worship there and had hoped to take in ‘We Bought a Zoo‘ at the first showing of the day. As I learned when Terry woke up around ten o’clock, we could have gone had I woken him up. But I did not know that he had actually slept most of the night in front of the television. Oh, well. We can still see the movie on Monday.
I started preparing the marinade for grilling our chicken. Since the temperature outside approached the unheard of lower sixties (in the middle of January in Kansas … beyond unbelievable), we decided to fire up the outside grill. Or rather I did. Terry supervised since he’s still only got the use of one arm for the next few weeks. After the chicken had marinated for over an hour, I placed it on the preheated grill and lamented not purchasing some asparagus while at the grocery store Saturday afternoon. Steamed broccoli and a spinach and baby spring mix salad would have to do. Thirty minutes of grilling later, we had perfectly cooked Honey Garlic Chicken to savor.
Terry and I had started watching a Christian movie I had sitting in our Netflix streaming queue while cooking lunch. The Encounter proved disappointing for me at least. Terry expected company to arrive soon after we finished, so I decided Roxy and I would go for a walk.
I walked at an easy, slow pace to accommodate her arthritis (and the fact that she hadn’t been walked since Rachelle returned to Texas last week). We crossed Main Street and headed west on West Mary Street, but rather than continuing west, I turned right on a newly re-installed access road that cut parallel to Main Street back north to Kansas Street, crossing over West Kay Street, and the house we rented prior to purchasing the home we now own on Bambi Street. We turned around at Kansas Street and decided to climb the hill back up to Main Street via the abandoned West Kay Street’s crumbling pavement (see photo above).
Roxy did very well walking on my left, even with cars and trucks whizzing by her not ten feet away. Of course, by that time, she just wanted to get back home and take a nap on the memory foam topper on the hideaway bed. She perked up and even pulled me most of the way home because she spied another woman with two dogs (one small dog and a medium-sized dog) about a block ahead of us. I even thought about taking both Roxy and Apollo to the dog park, but worried that Roxy always overdoes herself chasing after the little dogs and the younger ones. It usually takes her a day or two to recover from her dog park adventures.
After Terry’s friend departed, we sat down to watch another movie, this one a foreign film called ‘Point Blank.’ I liked it and did not realize that French films could be just as good as an action flick produced in the States. A good story (if predictable) but better than average acting (even having to read English subtitles). I’ll write a separate review later today.
For dinner, Terry wanted to use the last of the chicken pot pie filling and gravy. I had another tube of croissants (of a different type) so I improvised some turnovers by placing the filling (without any extra gravy) in one triangle and placing a second triangle of pastry over it and pinching the edges together. I had enough filling for four turnovers. I popped them in the oven for twenty minutes at 375 degrees and warmed up the gravy when I took them out of the oven. Not bad. For our after dinner movie, we watched the re-broadcast of the Hallmark Channel’s most recently original film: ‘A Taste of Romance‘ – better than average and a bit of a tear jerker a couple of times.
I checked my e-mail and social networking sites before heading off to bed, noting that before dawn on Monday I had an interesting conjunction of moon, planet and star I could witness. I stepped outside this morning, first through my front door (but couldn’t see the moon at all from that vantage point), then out my back patio door and looked directly south. And what did I see? The same exact thing displayed in the graphic to the right. Saturn, the quarter crescent moon and the star Spica. Sadly, I couldn’t locate my binoculars nor did I have my tripod available (it’s in the trunk of the car). Not that attempting to photograph the moon (always too bright a light source) with the dimmer planet and star in the same from would have resulted in any post-worthy photographs. A grand sight to behold first thing in the today on such a clear, still, not-quite cold morning in mid-January.