Doctor Who: The Impossible Astronaut

Just a few quick words, thoughts and questions about last night’s Doctor Who Season Six premiere ‘The Impossible Astronaut‘ (if you’re looking for a synopsis or re-cap of the episode, click on the episode name link).  The Doctor, Amy, Rory and River hop across the pond to late 1960s America, unraveling (without alerting the younger doctor) the mystery surrounding the two hundred year older Doctor’s demise (yes, a bit of a spoiler but it happens within the first few minutes of the episode).

I enjoyed the nostalgic references to the space program (go NASA! to the moon and beyond!) and Nixon (as Doctor Who states ‘so much more happened in 1969 than people remember), but Moffat’s latest aliens didn’t seem as creative as his extremely creepy weeping angels (see the Hugo and BAFTA award winning episode ‘Blink‘ for further creepiness).

And it begs that question, if these aliens have the ability to make you forget them completely after you are no longer looking at them, why would one of these aliens command Amy to tell Doctor Who something?  Don’t they realize she’ll forget whatever they told her as soon as she turns her head?   Here’s an excerpt from Amy’s conversation with one of the aliens in a White House restroom:

Alien: You will tell the Doctor.

Amy: Tell him what?

Alien: What he must know and what he must never know.

Amy: How do you know about that?

Alien: Tell him.

After which Amy runs gasping from the restroom and immediately forgets what just happened.  She did snap a photo of the alien with her cell phone, after she determined that humans forget the aliens as soon as they look away (thanks to a poor woman caught in the conversational crossfire as collateral damage).  And was I the only one who that thought the electrifying moaning alien consuming said woman reminded you of Pink Floyd’s ‘The Wall‘?  Ew.

An intriguing above-average episode of Doctor Who (more than three, probably close to four out of five stars).  I’m still having David Tennant withdrawals as I just can’t relate to a Doctor Who played by an actor born just a year before I graduated from high school.  I loved having Mark Sheppard, one of my current favorite British (or is that Irish) actors who pops up on many of the shows I watch.  The preview for next week’s conclusion entitled ‘Day of the Moon‘ look suitably time-twisty and action packed.

Thank goodness BBC America saved science fiction television from complete extinction.  Heaven knows, I can’t count on Syfy for anything except fantasy (because what else do you call WWE or reality TV)?

Amateur Astronomers Attend

My dad and I ventured out Saturday night to attend the April 2011 general meeting of the Astronomical Society of Kansas City, held on the fourth Saturday of nearly every month at Royal Hall on the campus of UMKC.  Dad volunteered to drive from Lansing/Leavenworth to just east of the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, Missouri.  We had a pleasant uneventful drive.

Once we arrived on campus and eventually navigated the one-way streets around Royal Hall to find the entrance to the parking garage, we entered the building and immediately recognized a couple waiting in the hallway outside the lecture room.  We stumbled upon old friends from our amateur radio past.  We spent several minutes getting reacquainted and catching up.  We gravitated towards the lecture hall and sat together.

The first hour of the meeting involved various awards for observing activities, reports on scholarship funding and distributing, status of the DSS (dark sky site), encouragement to try an observing club or activity and brief demonstration of beta testing a recent kit from the NASA‘s Nightsky Network.  There was also a brief commercial for a performance called ‘Orbit‘ by Dark Matter scheduled for the first weekend in May at Union Station‘s Gottlieb Planetarium.

CME blast and subsequent impact at Earth
CME blast and subsequent impact at Earth

The meat of the meeting came with a presentation on Solar Observing Basics by Neta Apple.  Her talk covered safety, first and foremost, various filters (white light, calcium K and hydrogen alpha – her personal preference).  an introduction to the interior of our closest star, umbrae, penumbrae, light bridges, granulations, prominences, faculae and solar flares.  Neta mentioned a 19th century solar flare, commonly know as the Carrington Event, named for the British amateur astronomer who observed it in 1859.  She asked the audience what we thought the result of a large or super flare of similar magnitude to the Carrington Event would do to our technology heavy civilization?  While we might survive that Russian roulette with the Sun’s gun, we lack the stockpiles of electrical transformers to replace all those that would be destroyed (estimates predict it would take two years for the Mexican manufacturers to create enough to replace just those lost in the United States alone).

On a happier note, Neta wrapped up with some examples from NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO for short) web site and opened the floor for a brief question and answer period.

By this time, we were approaching the latter half of the nine o’clock hour, and the meeting coordinator (the President was absent, so there was a substitute) decided to de-formalize the scheduled town hall meeting to a social gathering, with refreshments, encouraging attendees to meet their board members and  other club regulars.  I took the opportunity to quickly skim through the available observatory activities, grabbing the Astronomical League‘s Urban Observatory Club handout, but forgetting to grab ASKC’s Astro Quest one.

I asked a question of the Membership Secretary and then said goodbye to our old amateur radio friends.  Dad and I returned to the car and drove home, under cloudy skies.  I’m looking forward to ‘opening night‘ at Powell Observatory on Saturday, May 7th, featuring the ‘Galaxies of Spring’ and I hope to see you there!

Book Review: Magician: Master by Feist

Magician: Master (The Riftwar Saga, #2)Magician: Master by Raymond E. Feist

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The second half of Magician became increasingly dark as I approached the climactic end to the Kelewan-Midkemian Riftwar. I observed definite growth to full maturity between Pug and Tomas, and perhaps that growth from boyhood through young adult into adulthood is what I lament – the rite of passage of most normal young boys, though Pug and Tomas could never be mistaken for normal. While everything seemed wondrous and adventurous in the first half of the novel (also known as Magician: Apprentice), I felt the oppression of circumstances, the collision of events and the machinations of a magician previously thought trustworthy. Not all was dark and gloomy, yet I didn’t walk away from this book thinking it ended on a resoundingly happy note.

A couple of scenes stood out as a bit over-the-top and stretched the envelope of believability: Milamber’s reaction to the Imperial Games and Tomas’ ability to overcome a dead dreaded god-like being with his boyish mental fortitude. And I can’t deny I felt gut-punched by the eleventh-hour betrayal by Macros. (to view spoiler, please highlight this paragraph).

For a debut work, I applaud Raymond Feist for a magnificent tale and the beginning to a well-loved fantasy epic. I’m continuing the Riftwar Saga by reading Silverthorn this month.

View all my reviews

SGU: Un-Common Descent

With only four episodes left for the final season (canceled after only two years and movie prospects to wrap things up appear dead), Stargate Universe returns to some more interesting territory.  A couple of story arcs converge within the first few minutes of this week’s ‘Common Descent‘ episode, harking back to the mid-season opener, ‘Deliverance‘ and ‘Twin Destinies.’  Ratings Update: And this doesn’t make any sense, but viewership drops by 16 percent over last week’s episode.  And just in time, straight from the presses, the transcript.

Common Descent
Common Descent

Destiny is back to falling apart, the breathable air on board needs scrubbing and dodging drones is not nearly as fun as it used to be.  Thinking the dead drone might be phoning home, they jetison it, during an ongoing drone attack, destroy it and attempt a feeble launch into FTL flight.  Destiny finds a couple of planets, one with a working gate, and one blocked, and Young agrees to drop out of FTL to solve the scrubber situation before everyone suffocates.

The expedition to the planet surface encounter English speaking humans who recognize members of the Destiny party.  And no surprise to myself (or Eli), these humans claim to be descendants sixty or so generations removed from the current members of Destiny.  And you thought the ‘future’ Destiny crew went through that unstable wormhole into oblivion?  Ha!

Everyone but Rush reacted with excitement and interest in the plight of the stranded settlers.  A friend of mine at GoodReads connected the dots before me, observing that since Rush remained behind on the ‘future’ Destiny, he sired no offspring (but did foster a philosophic debate of near epic, even Biblical, proportions).  This reminded me that the other Rush actually achieved his (or is that their) dream and ‘married’ Destiny … so who knows what kind of offspring might crop up for Rush?

This episode had a bit of everything: some science (time travel), some action (dodging drones and their command ships), some humor (Futura is a font!), some drama (‘ancient’ keno footage from the ‘future’ Destiny survivors original settlement), a bit of mystery (how are these drones finding Destiny?), and of course some political unrest (fostered two thousand years ago by the current uncomfortable philosophical disagreement between Rush and Young which results in a highly polarized schism developing among their descendants to the point where Rush is either worshiped as a near Messiah by one half or demonized, literally, by the other).

Even though this episode ended prematurely, I thoroughly enjoyed it and for the first time this spring I’m excited and anxious to watch next week’s ‘Epilogue‘ episode.  I give ‘Common Descent’ a solid four star rating out of five stars.

Book Review: David Levy’s Guide to the Night Sky

David Levy's Guide to the Night SkyDavid Levy’s Guide to the Night Sky by David H. Levy

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A good, but somewhat sporadic, book on astronomy by one of the astronomers who discovered the comet Shoemaker-Levy (yeah, the one that crashed spectacularly into Jupiter). The information seems a bit dated, even though this is a second edition (or a reprint ten years later). I went in search of astronomy books on the shelves of my local library and gave this a whirl.

View all my reviews

All Dogs Go To Heaven or Is That Heavenly Dogs?

I rode the astronomical roller coaster yesterday.   I started Wednesday with an e-mail from Celestron warning me of a week delay in shipping my new finderscope.  Since the forecast for the rest of the week looked thunderous, I shrugged my shoulders and moved on.  Later, in the afternoon, I received the first of many calls from my father, reporting he had received the ‘new’ ETX-90 base motor drive he won on eBay last week.  He hooked up the optics from the other ETX-90, trained the motors per the manual, and happily reported smooth, quiet operation.  He trained the telescope on the Moon later in the afternoon to study the tracking capabilities of the drives.

Astronomical Society of Kansas City

I found one of my expected shipments when I arrived home from work.  I ordered the Meade specific cable and serial adapter for the Autostar from a telescope/optics supplier.   I also found a large manila envelope from the Astronomical Society of Kansas City.  It included details about my new membership, upcoming meetings, local observation sites and other benefits and learning opportunities.  The next general meeting, open to the public, is a week from Saturday (April 23rd at 7:00 pm), held in room 111 of Royal Hall on the campus of UMKC, about a block west of 52nd Street and Rockhill Road.  A talk on Solar Astronomy entitled “Solar Observing Basics,” will be presented by Neta Apple.

My husband and I ate a quick easy supper of frozen pizza (yeah, so healthy, and we forgot to start off with a salad!).  The band started arriving, so I settled down in the great room to catchup on three days worth of missed Jeopardy! episodes.  Monday’s game, first round, included a tricky River City category that stung one contestant several times, since the first four of the five answers were ‘What is the Rhine?”  Other fun categories were Homer (Simpson)’s Odyssey, Ends in “SS” and Measure This! which included the clue “Contrary to its name, this signature cowboy accessory would actually hold about 96 ounces.”  Monday’s Double Jeopardy! round had some great categories, some of which I cleaned up on, including “EU” first, Blue Literature, Amendment Highlights and Ancient Egypt.  Final Jeopardy! round: Goegraphic Adjectives stumped me but all three contestants answered correctly.   Tuesday’s game had some tough first round clues in A Capital Idea? and the Autobahn Society.  Double Jeopardy! Round fun categories included Fictional Movie Bands and Men in Pink.  Final Jeopardy! Round: Baseball & The Presidency again stumped me and one contestant.

Midway through Wednesday’s game, I received my second call from my father, crooning about the moon.  I knew I had some work to finish remotely last night and some more DVR cleaning to accomplish, and I thought the forecast for last night included increasing cloud cover, so I declined his invitation to come join him in lunar observation.  Even though I had paused the replay of Jeopardy!, I didn’t really pay much attention to the first round, besides the categories Thinking Green and Virgin Berths.   I paid more attention to Double Jeopardy! round including the fun category Lost Texts from Ben Franklin, Picture “D”is and You’re So Colorful.  Yet another difficult Final Jeopardy! Round category: Nobel Peace Prize Winners, where all three contestants and myself could not guess the correct two Prime Ministers.

Backyard Astronomer's Guide
Backyard Astronomer's Guide

The band took a break from rehearsing and I decide to forgo working remotely.  I changed clothes, hopped in the car and phoned my dad.  I arrived at his house around half past eight o’clock, with a sky still showing after sunset glow and the moon diffused by some scattered thin clouds.  I had brought the box with my cable, the USB/Serial converter cable, and a couple of Astronomy books with me:  a small throw-it-in-your-purse Field Guide and a large lift-with-your-legs-not-your-back full-color Backyard Astronomer’s Guide, which I hadn’t even cracked open yet since I checked it out from the library a few days ago.

Rather than traipsing through his house, which appeared to have many bright lights on in the living room, dining room and perhaps the kitchen, I slipped through the east side gate and made my way cautiously past the thorny rose bushes to his backyard.  Even though last week was the ‘official’ Global Lunar Week, we gazed at the moon, watching the clouds pass quickly in front of it’s bright surface, still giving us ample detail to review.  I noted the quietness and ease of movement in the motors and looked forward to attempting an actual alignment, if the clouds cooperated.  Eventually, the northern celestial hemisphere cleared enough for us to dimly spy Polaris (the clouds, the streetlights and the US Penitentiary conspire to enhance the glow north of my father’s house).  Once we could see Polaris, we adjusted our polar mounting and attempted an alignment (as best we could since Arcturus was obscured by thin clouds and trees to the northeast and Capella was the only star visible in it’s constellation, making it difficult to determine if in fact, it was Capella).

Canis Major
Canis Major

To test the alignment, we told the Autostar to “goto” or find Sirius, colloquially known as the ‘Dog Star’,  the brightest star in the night sky in the constellation Canis Major, and a near neighbor to our solar system at a distance of only 2.6 parsecs (or 8.6 light years).  Considering we were unable to confirm the actual alignment through Arcturus or Capella, the Autostar still managed to get Sirius in the viewfinder scope field of view, allowing us to fine-tune and center Sirius in the eyepiece of the telescope.  We had difficulty finding Orion, not usually a problem since Sirius and Orion’s belt ‘line up’ in the night sky.  Dad finally spotted Orion’s belt, among the trees to the west and partly obscured by the clouds.  So, continuing our alignment test tour, we selected Betelgeuse as our next stop from the Autostar.  Again, the viewfinder held the image of the star, but not quite in the eyepiece.  We centered and synced again.

Canis Minor
Canis Minor

The only other star visible to us, thanks to the moon’s continued brilliance, was the last point of the Winter Triangle, Procyon in the Canis Minor constellation.  Yes, in honor of my two Rottweilers, Roxy and Apollo, we spent some time in both the ‘greater dog’ constellation Canis Major and the ‘smaller dog’ of Canis Minor.  While we were in this section of the sky, I pulled out the Field Guide to see if there was anything worth hunting to test the telescope and Autostar alignment further.  Using the red flashlight, I found the appropriate star atlas and read the accompanying paragraph of local attractions.  The Beehive Cluster, also known as Praesepe (and so listed in the Autostar, but we used it’s Messier objects number (M44) in the menu system).  This cluster, in the constellation Cancer, can be viewed under dark skies with a low power telescope or even binoculars.  However, the Moon’s brightness  and the hazy thin clouds were conspiring to grey-out everything in the area, except lone Procyon.

Saturn eclipsing Sun
Saturn eclipsing Sun

By this time, Saturn had risen high enough in the east-southeast, and the clouds had receded, for us to observe it.  Again, the Autostar successfully re-oriented on the ringed gas giant and we spent quite a while and several eyepieces basking in the glory of it’s rings.  Using the 9mm eyepiece, I was able to see the shadow of the rings upon the surface of Saturn and the gap between Saturn and it’s rings (but not the gaps between the rings).  A large tree limb interfered for ten or fifteen minutes with our further observation, during which I never really did find Titan.  In checking Sky & Telescope‘s web applet for Saturn’s Moons this morning, and subtracting about twelve hours, Titan may have been behind Saturn or it’s rings for me to find it in my telescope.

Mare Imbrium close-up
Mare Imbrium close-up

We returned triumphantly to the lunar landscape, glowing gloriously almost directly overhead by this time (sometime after ten o’clock or even half-past ten).  I again used the Field Guide to locate a map of the moon so we could identify some of the craters near or on the terminator.  We gravitated towards the craters around Mare Imbrium, spotting Plato (the dark ‘spot’ in the upper right-hand portion of the picture), Archimedes, Artistillius, Autolycus, Copernicus and Kepler (perhaps … not completely sure and it’s not strictly near Mare Imbrium).  As the clouds were closing in on the moon, Dad and I started tearing down the telescope and relocating all the equipment, lenses and books inside and I finally headed home for a mere six hours of sleep, dreaming about rings, impact craters and distant binary stars.

SGU: The Hunt … First Contact or Nature v. Nurture?

I stayed up late last night to watch SGU‘s latest episode ‘The Hunt‘ although I had difficulty winding down to sleep afterward.  Ratings really picked up for this episode.  Full Transcript for this episode found here at Gateworld.

The Hunt aired 4/11/2011 in the US on Syfy
The Hunt aired 4/11/2011 in the US on Syfy

Within the first scene, one of my previous questions (from the ‘Hope’ episode) was answered, albeit unsatisfactorily.  If all Destiny inhabitants have been vegetarians for over ten months, then definite weight loss would have occurred across all crew members, with the exception, perhaps, of those who already practiced vegetarianism.  What little ‘science’ we get from this ‘science fiction’ series should at least reflect an observable phenomenon, correct?

My earlier unvoiced surmise that Greer and Varro would be the ones captured in this episode quickly proved incorrect.  My second guess proved partially correct in that TJ was abducted.  The second abductee I didn’t recognize and fear he would not make the credits, reminiscent of the expendable ‘red shirts’ in the Star Trek (TOS) landing parties.

After the original landing part sent to explore the planet returns (minus two members) to Destiny, Col. Young leaves Matt in charge and takes the lead on the search and rescue mission.  Greer keeps second guessing himself because he hesitated when confronted with alien during the first attack.  Young attempts to mentor Greer, who is unusually aggressive/assertive towards his superior officer.

The rescue proceeds slowly and we see Varro volunteer himself and the rest of the Lucian Alliance personnel to help track the creature.  He successfully convinces Matt (and assumedly Col. Young) to gate down to the planet.

Meanwhile … (there’s always a ‘meanwhile’ subplot or two on a television show) back on Destiny, Rush, Eli and Brody are exploring new sections of ship and stumble upon a stasis chamber.  Rush uncharacteristically urges cautions to Eli and Brody in tampering with the stasis equipment.  This turns into a slight and well played comedic subplot with a moral.  Another version of the ‘kindler, gentler’ Rush?  At least this one was easier to stomach.

I felt Chloe overstepped her boundaries by discussing Volker’s love life with him directly.  Ew.  Very awkward.  Later, Rush deigns to give Volker romantic advice, in a reverse psychological sort of way.  Sadly, once Volker girds on his courage (and his vest) he stumbles upon his first setback in that he’s not along in pursuing the woman in question.

Back on the planet, the alien creature manages to ambush the expanded search and rescue team, eliminating several members, including all of the Lucian Alliance leftovers except for Varro, who has replaced Young (injured in the ambush) as defacto team leader and mentor for an increasingly stressed Greer.

When we finally see the alien creature, something unexpected occurs from many unexpected corners.  I’ll leave it to you to watch that for yourself and make your own conclusions about first contacts between humans and aliens, between herbivores and carnivores (or omnivores), between nature (hunting/killing/eating ‘unintelligent’ animals?) and nurture (protecting your offspring (instinct) yet recognizing intelligence (tool making, fire starting, non-verbal communication).

I look forward to re-watching this episode later in the week.  At first blush, I’ll give it four out of five stars for a well rounded enjoyable thought provoking episode with some punch.  And starting next Monday (for the last few episodes of this series) Syfy is moving SGU one hour earlier, so I can get some much needed sleep!

Starset, Kingrise … a Book Title Poem

Starset, Kingrise

First and second stanzas of Starset, Kingrise
First and second stanzas of Starset, Kingrise

Crossroads of Twilight
The Last Light of the Sun
The Wise Man’s Fear
To Ride Hell’s Chasm
The Way of Kings

The Forge of God
Out of the Silent Planet
The Eye of the Hunter
Memories of Ice
Best Served Cold

Third and fourth stanzas of Starset, Kingrise
Third and fourth stanzas of Starset, Kingrise

That Hideous Strength
Silent in the Grave
Flesh and Spirit
Fugitive Prince
Surprised by Joy

If Not Now, When?
To Green Angel Tower
Stormed Fortress
The Return of the King
By the Sword

Final stanza of Starset, Kingrise
Final stanza of Starset, Kingrise

Five Hundred Years After
Fall of Angels
A Swiftly Tilting Planet
Circle of the Moon
Under Heaven

* * * * *

I composed the above poem using books found on the shelves in my home.  Since I favor epic fantasy as a preferred reading genre, I sought a saga of epoch proportions in answer to the call for a book title poem from the Kansas City Public Library‘s celebration of National Library week.   See my earlier post for details on how to participate in the fun.

National Library Week Mini-Projects

I completed the first of the three mini-projects postulated by my favorite local library (the Kansas City Public Library KCPL) for National Library Week.  This morning I responded to a call from the Facebook page for KCPL to post my three favorite last books on their wall to receive recommendations of what else I might like to read, and where I might find it at KCPL.  I reviewed my recently read stats at GoodReads and decided upon The Lions of al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay; Blackout/All Clear by Connie Willis; and, Stormed Fortress by Janny Wurts (further implying the entire Wars of Light and Shadow series).  I received back a recommendation for The Wise Man’s Fear which I read last month.

Create Your Own Story @ Your Library
Create Your Own Story @ Your Library

The next mini-project intrigues me, both as an amateur photography and as a former poet (albeit decades ago).  I plan to scan my book titles (several hundred in house currently) to craft a poem both visually and title-cally.  Since my poetic muscles atrophied years ago, I anticipate it will take a day or two to polish my book title poem.

I’ll save the third mini-project for later in the week.  Writing my autobiography implies heavy posteric meaning.  Or perhaps I should turn tragedy (or at the least mediocre boringness) into comedy?

Anticipating the Hunt

While I enjoyed last week’s SGU episode, Seizure, better than usual, I’m really ramping up for tonight’s ‘The Hunt‘ episode.

SGU: The Hunt airs tonight in the US on Syfy
SGU: The Hunt airs tonight in the US on Syfy

For starters, we get off Destiny, and I mean physically leave the ship through an actual Stargate (or maybe it’s a shuttle? … who cares … it’s not via the Ancient communication stones, which is all I care about).  The episode also features Greer, which is always good for some heart pounding action and Varro gets more screen time.

And we morph into some kind of alien abduction of two of the exploration team.  I wonder which two get captured?  I guess I’ll tune into tonight and find out.