Terry and I celebrated (as best we can on a Wednesday) our 27th anniversary. He bought me a bouquet and card and a gift (which I won’t share here but greatly appreciate):
The very next day, May the 2nd, it snowed. For real. Since I had to drive through it, I didn’t take any photographs, and most of it melted as it hit the ground. Visiting authorial dignatory John Scalzi commented on the situation via Twitter:
Just landed in Kansas City. Yes, it is snowing. I DID NOT PACK FOR SNOW, KC. Someone get me a Snuggie.
My own photo taken after dropping off my Hallmark riders at 7:10 a.m. on Thursday morning, May 3rd, facing north with the Sheraton (fka the Hyatt) where Mr. Scalzi was probably still snoozing:
Saturday morning, May the 4th (officially or unofficially international Star Wars day), I put $20 worth of gas in the Bonneville.
Why is this significant? I wanted to meet a couple of authors signing during a book fair at the RT Booklovers Convention hosted by the Sheraton at Crown Center.
Because I drive a vanpool, Terry and I don’t fill up our personal vehicle but once a month or every six weeks. From long experience, I know I need a minimum of three gallons of gas to make a trip to Kansas City and back home. Three gallons of premium (required for both of our Pontiacs) is close to $4 a gallon (I think I paid $3.699 at Quick Trip yesterday), so I rounded up to the nearest $10 increment. I also grabbed $20 cash from an ATM so I’d be able to buy the book fair pass ($5 at the door). Parking at Crown Center is free on the weekends (Huzzah!).
So, for $10 in gas, $5 at the door and free parking, I got to meet two of my favorite authors:
John Scalzi, author of The Human Division, recently released in hardcover and earlier released as a serialized ebook. Shown here signing the only print edition of one of his books that I own, Zoe’s Tale. Oddly, it’s also the only one I have yet to read. I own all the rest of his books, but in ebook format, and didn’t think having my Nook Color or new Samsung Note II signed would be a good idea.
Sarah Zettel, author of The Quiet Invasion, one of the best first contact stories I’ve ever read, and the Isvalta series.
I almost didn’t find Sarah in this chaos:
Authors were spread out across a dozen rows of tables in alphabetical order, except for headline authors like Scalzi, who were segregated along a back wall (or a quiet corner in Scalzi’s case):
Sarah should have been on the last row near Scalzi, but only one other “Z” author sat there and it wasn’t Zettel. I despaired of traipsing slowly through all the rows, mostly because all these other authors really didn’t have anything I would go out of my way to read. The entire convention was sponsored by “Romantic Times,” a genre I normally avoid like the proverbial plague. I’ll tolerate a well written romance, if it’s a subplot in a fantasy or science fiction novel. Otherwise, I’ll pass.
I did find Sarah, in a special section devoted to young adult readers. Her latest book, Dust Girl, is apparently in that subgenre.
I returned home, arriving back before noon. Terry and I topped off our anniversary celebration by grabbing the last two available VIP seats for the 7:30 p.m. showing of Iron Man 3 at the Legends 14 Theaters. We liked it and we sat through the credits to watch the Easter egg final scene. Cute. The only thing missing was Black Sabbath or even some AC/DC in the sound track. I think it would have been a nice touch over the final montage before the credits rolled.
One year ago today, Terry and I laid to rest Roxy, our beloved yet ditzy female Rottweiler. I find it imminently appropriate that today is also the dark of the moon. When I walk out to the van this morning, I will quickly and easily be able to find Sirius, the Dog Star, the brightest star in the heavens, a fitting reminder of the brightest memories I have of Roxy.
Tomorrow, I celebrate the 27th anniversary of my journey into motherhood. And the little bundle of joy I brought kicking and screaming into the world twenty-seven years ago, arrived safely, after a long drive north from Texas, to visit us just before 3:00 a.m. earlier this morning. In a strange juxtaposition of events, tomorrow also happens to be the last day of the Year of the Dragon. Even stranger, Derek was born on the very first day of the Year of the Tiger in 1986. Sunday begins the Year of the Snake, the second for my daughter, since as she turns twenty-four in June.
My feelings about this past year are mixed and bittersweet. Part of me grieves with the passing of my fourth Dragon year and part of me is disappointed with where I am, what I’ve accomplished (or failed to accomplish), where I’m going and what, if anything, there is to look forward to by the time the next Dragon year rolls around. Right at this very moment, I’m not even sure I can muster any enthusiasm about it’s arrival or whether I’ll make it another twelve years to enjoy it (or not). Gloomy, I know. Perhaps it’s a by-product of two consecutive days of insomnia.
Derek at the USGP (Nov 2012)
But enough of my maudlin thoughts. I came here today to write a short blog post celebrating my son’s birthday. I haven’t seen him since last November, when all of us (my husband, my son and his wife, my daughter and her boyfriend and myself) traveled to Austin, Texas for the return of Formula 1 to the United States. Derek opted to support Kimi and the Lotus team (see photo at left) in direct contradiction to his father’s preferred team, Ferrari. I was clearly the underdog, since I cheered for Michael Schumacher. Today, though, I am very excited to have both Derek and his wife, Royna, visiting us. All I have to do is survive a gauntlet of meetings at work today followed by the commute home. Then I’ll be able to spend quality time with both of them. I even ordered his favorite type of birthday cake earlier this week. I’ll pick it up from the local Dairy Queen tomorrow morning.
My biggest adjustment to ’empty nest’ life has been a less hectic schedule for the last four years. During the last Year of the Dragon (circa 2000), we traveled all around the country, taking Derek to compete at regional and national judo tournaments. That schedule only increased through high school with the addition of wrestling, soccer and lacrosse. My Saturdays are decidedly quieter, as compared to a school gymnasium crammed to the rafters with screaming parents and ten or twelve wrestling mats. And warmer, compared to all-day tournaments in the early spring for soccer or lacrosse.
I do miss the excitement, though. Watching him compete. Or even listening to him sing at a choir concert. The quiet life sometimes has its drawbacks.
Royna and Derek (Nov 2012)
At least I have him, and his wife, for the weekend. I take what I can get when it comes to visits from my kids.
Just after Epiphany, Terry received a large box from our daughter containing two gifts. The largest one, shown at right, displays all three tickets and several cutouts from the program, memorializing our trip to the United States Grand Prix last November. Terry displayed it promptly and prominently in our great room.
Great big thanks to Nic and Rachelle for such a thoughtful gift and keepsake.
Oh, and the second gift? For her BFF, who still hasn’t stopped by to retrieve it.
I walked into my building’s lobby yesterday morning, returning from more than a week of vacation in Texas, completely oblivious to the unHoliday decorations sprouting around me. That is until I stood idly waiting for an elevator to arrive to whisk me vertically to my floor and found this assaulting my eyes:
All I can say is at least this year’s metallic monstrosity matches the color scheme near the garage access elevators:
Thank goodness for my two daily stops at Hallmark, where I can bask in the warmth of a more traditional Christmas spirit on display, spreading Peace, Love and Joy indiscriminately.
A week ago, we had a contractor come in and refinish our kitchen counter tops and backsplash. This process requires the kitchen remain undisturbed for at least a week. We actually planned this refinishing to coincide with our vacation and roadtrip to Austin, Texas to attend the USGP.
Sink Hole (click image for rest of album)
So, with less than two days to Thanksgiving, and an expected house full of family on their own two-day roadtrips to join us, I nervously watched Terry tackle multiple installations, starting with the sink. Most of the afternoon was spent prepping the sink hole and the sink basin to seal it into place and get it squared up with the rest of the counter. Then Terry installed the drains and we watched silicone set for a few minutes. But not too long. We needed to move on to the second project that had to be finished before the stove could be returned to its normal resting place: Installing a new range hood.
We reviewed the installation instructions but could not locate the parts bag referenced therein. We made one of many trips to Home Depot to inquire about the missing mounting hardware. After looking in several other range hood boxes (also suspiciously already open), the Home Depot employee went to the hardware aisle and gave us the wood screws we needed. Terry found a short 1″x2″ he needed to use as a shim. We returned home and began mounting the shims, only to discover the wood screws were too long (by a quarter of an inch) and had punched through the shelf into the cabinet.
By this time, Terry and I were exhausted and frustrated. Since it was nearly ten o’clock at night, we called it a night.
I woke up Wednesday early and reviewed the Thanksgiving edition of the Food Network Magazine. I wanted to try at least three or four of the recipes featured and needed to make a grocery list to cover all the ingredients I might need. Since Rachelle awoke before I left, she accompanied me to Dillons. I wanted to hit the grocery store early to avoid all the people who would rush in after midday. Most people would probably get off from work at noon, so my best shot at the best selection of produce and other products would occur in the early morning hours. I remembered almost everything I needed.
Once Terry woke up, he immediately got down (literally) to installing the drain plumbing. This necessitated at least two more trips to Home Depot for replacement and new PVC piping. He successfully (and almost two easily) got the garbage disposal side of the drain installed. To give his back a break, he switched to the top side and began installing the new Moen faucet we purchased from Lowes on Tuesday afternoon. I chose this particular model because the reviews stated it had an exceptionally easy installation. The only drawback mentioned involved installing the weight to the pull-down faucet head hose. This weight keeps the faucet head (not shown yet at right) snug against the tall faucet pipe.
We returned to the range hood to finish the install. I went down to the electrical box and threw the breaker for the north side of the kitchen to the off position. While Rachelle and I held the hood into position, Terry secured it to the re-installed shims with the shorter length wood screws. He hooked up the electrical and installed the halogen bulbs. I returned to the basement and flipped the breaker back to the on position. We tested the lights and they worked. We tested the fan, and nothing happened. We could still see into the fan compartment so Terry stuck his head and hands back up in there to determine what the problem was. He discovered the spot welds that were meant to hold the fan housing in place had broken. Needless to say, none of us were happy at this point.
Terry began uninstalling the range hood while I went to find another, better range hood on the internet. We had bought the best model that would fit in our space above the range and below the cabinets from Home Depot, so we were going to return the defective range hood and buy one from someone else. We stopped at Kmart/Sears (right next door to Home Depot), but that particular Sears outlet does not maintain any stock. All items had to be ordered. This necessitated that we drive south to the Legends shopping area and specifically Nebraska Furniture Mart, where we found a much nicer model, with more features and a better interior fan design, for only about $50-70 more. We returned home and had the second range installed in less than fifteen minutes. This time both the lights and the fan worked as expected.
Terry re-installed the range next. The breaker for the 240 circuit had been left in the off position since we uninstalled the range over ten days before. I double-checked it, though, when I flipped breakers on/off for the range hood installation. I made sure Terry used his work gloves to avoid any threat of cuts from the sharp metal brackets and fixtures on the back of the stove.
With the range and range hood installed and functional, all that remained was the right-hand drain for the kitchen sink and the weight for the faucet pull-down. Terry twisted and prodded the right-hand side pipes to curl almost back on themselves to reach the new sink’s drain hole. However, despite various large plumbing pliers, Terry eventually resorted to a hose clamp and electrical tape to get the weight secured to the faucet hose. As I mentioned above, many of the reviews for this particular model of Moen noted the weight install to be flawed (or nigh on impossible).
By four o’clock on Wednesday afternoon, my kitchen was returned to me, ready to begin nearly non-stop cooking duties for the next twenty-four hours. I had to make one final trip to Dillons, though, to pick up the roasted turkey and other fixings I’d ordered earlier in November. I decided weeks ago that I wouldn’t have time to thaw a turkey because of our trip to the Formula One race in Austin. While on the way to the grocery store, I received a call from my uncle, telling me they had safely arrived in Leavenworth and were in the Price Chopper. I directed them to Dillons, where I was headed (they preferred to shop there as well to accumulate fuel reward points). I met Ron in the parking lot and we discussed the itinerary for Thanksgiving day. I picked up my turkey and fixings and escaped the mad dash of people making their last minute shopping spree. So many people in that store, you could hardly breathe.
I returned home and shoe-horned the turkey into the refrigerator. I then proceed to bake my father’s requested birthday cake. The very first thing I baked also happened to be a first attempt for me as a cook. I baked a pineapple upside down cake in a cast iron skillet. I also attempted to make one loaf of bread, my Honey Wheat Toasting Oat Bread, but when I pulled the baked loaf out of my bread machine after midnight, it almost resembled a brick. Not an auspicious beginning to Thanksgiving day baking.
Down to the Wire, but What a Beautiful Finish (click image for rest of album)
I decided not to return the microwave to the corner between the range and the sink. Having the microwave in that space negates all the counter space available for baking or cooking. I plan to purchase a microwave cart or some other piece of kitchen furniture to keep that appliance off my new counters.
Terry during F1 USGP at COTA in Austin, Texas, Sunday, 11/18/2012
I want to thank Terry for the incredible effort and skill he exerted during this kitchen remodel project. Without his knowledge, dedication and attention to detail, none of these results would have been possible.