This us next up in my ebook reading queue, after I finish Red Seas Under Red Skies. In the meantime, enjoy my uncle’s thoughts on The Red Knight by Miles Cameron, which also comes highly recommended by Stefan Raets at his Far Beyond Reality blog.
Category: Reading
Book Review: The Martian Chronicles by Bradbury (2.5 Stars)
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
Recommended by the GoodReads SciFi/Fantasy Book Club August 2009 Selection
Read in August, 2009
Synopsis (courtesy Wikipedia):
The Martian Chronicles is a 1950 science fiction short story collection by Ray Bradbury that chronicles the colonization of Mars by humans fleeing from a troubled and eventually atomically devastated Earth, and the conflict between aboriginal Martians and the new colonists. The book lies somewhere between a short story collection and an episodic novel, containing stories Bradbury originally published in the late 1940s in science fiction magazines. The stories were loosely woven together with a series of short, interstitial vignettes for publication.
My Thoughts:
This collection of stories about Mars reminded me of Edgar Rice Burroughs stories. But where Burroughs entertained with adventures and action, Bradbury expounded on various themes, mostly anti-war and anti-establishment.
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Book Review: The Copper Crown by Kennealy-Morrison (5 Stars)
The Copper Crown by Patricia Kennealy-Morrison
5 out of 5 stars
Read at least five times since the late 80s
When lore became legend on ancient Earth and the powers of magic waned, the Kelts and their allies fled the planet for the freedom of distant star realms.
But the stars were home to dangerous foes, and millenia later, the worlds of Keltia still maintained uneasy truce with two enemy empires -the Imperium and the Phalanx. Then, at the start of the reign of Aeron, mistress of high magic and queen of all the Kelts, an Earthship made contact with her long-fled children. And while Earth and Keltia reached out to form alliance, the star fleets of the enemy mobilized for final, devastating war….
My Thoughts (Warning: Spoilers):
Every couple of years, I get the urge to pull out this novel and re-read it. Continue reading “Book Review: The Copper Crown by Kennealy-Morrison (5 Stars)”
Book Review: Tea with Black Dragon by MacAvoy (3.6 Stars)
Tea with Black Dragon by R.A. MacAvoy
Read in August 2009
Recommended to me by Janny Wurts
Martha Macnamara knows that her daughter Elizabeth is in trouble, she just doesn’t know what kind. Mysterious phone calls from San Francisco at odd hours of the night are the only contact she has had with Elizabeth for years. Now, Elizabeth has sent her a plane ticket and reserved a room for her at San Francisco’s most luxurious hotel. Yet she has not tried to contact Martha since she arrived, leaving her lonely, confused and a little bit worried. Into the story steps Mayland Long, a distinguished-looking and wealthy Chinese man who lives at the hotel and is drawn to Martha’s good nature and ability to pinpoint the truth of a matter. Mayland and Martha become close in a short period of time and he promises to help her find Elizabeth, making small inroads in the mystery before Martha herself disappears. Now Mayland is struck by the realization, too late, that he is in love with Martha, and now he fears for her life. Determined to find her, he sets his prodigious philosopher’s mind to work on the problem, embarking on a potentially dangerous adventure.
My Thoughts:
I curled up with this book Continue reading “Book Review: Tea with Black Dragon by MacAvoy (3.6 Stars)”
Book Review: City of Bones by Wells (3.5 Stars)
Read in November 2011
In a place where an ancient holocaust devastated civilization and caused most of the world’s water to evaporate, a new civilization has arisen–where sand ships cross the deserts between city-states, where bones are used to work magic of all kinds. Charisat is the greatest of city-states, the Imperial seat where your status is determined by how high up the tiers of the city you live. Khat is a trader and sometime thief, one of a race genetically altered to survive in these new conditions. Elen is a scholar and a lady who is investigating the ancient ruins, looking for the secrets of their magic. Together they must solve a mystery involving a fanatical cult whose members are trying to unleash an evil that will topple Charisat–and from there, destroy the world again
My Thoughts:
I enjoyed Martha Wells writing, Continue reading “Book Review: City of Bones by Wells (3.5 Stars)”
Great Unsung Science Fiction Authors That Everybody Should Read
More books to be added to my TBR stack. I will be scrutinizing the female authors closely.
Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon
eBook Review: Hollow World by Sullivan (4 out of 5 stars)

Hollow World by Michael J. Sullivan
Read in November 2013
The future is coming…for some, sooner than others.
Ellis Rogers is an ordinary man who is about to embark on an extraordinary journey. All his life he has played it safe and done the right thing, but when faced with a terminal illness, he’s willing to take an insane gamble. He’s built a time machine in his garage, and if it works, he’ll face a world that challenges his understanding of what it means to be human, what it takes to love, and the cost of paradise. He could find more than a cure for his illness; he might find what everyone has been searching for since time began…but only if he can survive Hollow World.
Continue reading “eBook Review: Hollow World by Sullivan (4 out of 5 stars)”
Audiobook Review: King of Thorns by Lawrence (DNF)
King of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
Fantasy Book Club selection August 2013
Attempted to Read/Listen: August 2013
I tried reading, or rather listening, to this in August 2013 for the GoodReads Fantasy Book Club. We previously read Prince of Thorns as a group in October 2011 and I actually liked the first book of the series. But I had to give up listening at around twenty percent. I may come back to it at a later date, but right now I need something a lot less bleak.
Continue reading “Audiobook Review: King of Thorns by Lawrence (DNF)”
Audiobook Review: Low Town by Polansky (4 Stars)
Read in December 2013
Publisher’s Synopsis:
Drug dealers, hustlers, brothels, dirty politics, corrupt cops . . . and sorcery. Welcome to Low Town.
In the forgotten back alleys and flophouses that lie in the shadows of Rigus, the finest city of the Thirteen Lands, you will find Low Town. It is an ugly place, and its champion is an ugly man. Disgraced intelligence agent. Forgotten war hero. Independent drug dealer. After a fall from grace five years ago, a man known as the Warden leads a life of crime, addicted to cheap violence and expensive drugs. Every day is a constant hustle to find new customers and protect his turf from low-life competition like Tancred the Harelip and Ling Chi, the enigmatic crime lord of the heathens.
Continue reading “Audiobook Review: Low Town by Polansky (4 Stars)”
Book Review: Bible Stories for Adults by Morrow (3.3 Stars)
Bible Stories for Adults by James K. Morrow
Read in January 2014
Anthology Synopsis:
Morrow unabashedly delves into matters both sacred and secular in this collection of short stories buoyed by his deliciously irreverent wit. Among the dozen selections is the Nebula Award-winning “Bible Stories for Adults, No. 17: The Deluge.”
Bible Stories for Adults, No. 17: The Deluge (1988)
Daughter Earth (1991)
Known but to God and Wilbur Hines (1991)
Bible Stories for Adults, No. 20: The Tower (1994)
Spelling God with the Wrong Blocks (1987)
The Assemblage of Kristin (1984)
Bible Stories for Adults, No. 31: The Covenant (1989)
Abe Lincoln in McDonald’s (1989)
The Confessions of Ebenezer Scrooge (1989)
Bible Stories for Adults No. 46: The Soap Opera (1994)
Diary of a Mad Deity (1988)
Arms and the Woman (1991)
My Thoughts:
Continue reading “Book Review: Bible Stories for Adults by Morrow (3.3 Stars)”