Hubble’s high-definition panoramic view of the Andromeda Galaxy |

Mega coolness!

Andromeda Galaxy Hubble Closeup
NASA/ESA/J. Dalcanton/B.F. Williams/L.C. Johnson (University of Washington)/The PHAT team/R. Gendler

Never before have astronomers been able to see individual stars inside an external spiral galaxy over such a large contiguous area.

Hubble’s high-definition panoramic view of the Andromeda Galaxy |

Why “Critical Density” Could Determine the Fate of the Universe

I don’t remember seeing Esther (the author of the above article) at last Saturday evening’s ASKC meeting and Dr. Feldman’s lecture on Dark Matter and Dark Energy … but I’ve seen that graph very recently.


Dr. Feldman and the Definition of Cosmology

Professor Hume A. Feldman, Ph.D.