The first snow and winter storm of Winter 2019 finally arrive the second Saturday of January. In my experience, that’s a delay of nearly ten days from when we usually have snow or a winter storm or if nothing else bitter cold below zero temperatures and wind chills. The snow we received was wet and heavy, perfect for making a snowman but not so great for my back when I went out to shovel the driveway.
Tag: drawing
Second Zentangle
I drew this Zentangle last night right before heading off to bed. I don’t think it’s quite as ‘good’ as my first one, since I didn’t follow the ‘rule’ about repeating patterns. But, it’s my Zentangle and I’ll draw it however I feel like drawing it. 🙂
ASOD: Moon in Acrylic and Ink
This wonderful drawing of the Moon popped up on ASOD a couple of days ago. I thought it worth share here.
Enjoy, Jon
M3 Menu Maintenance
M3 (or my blog cubed) menu update: I decided to include a couple of cool links on my Astronomy menu.
I added the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), which I follow via NASA‘s RSS feed, as well as the Astronomy Sketch of the Day (ASOD) (also available via RSS). I especially liked today’s offering:

I started following ASOD a couple of weeks ago to inspire my own nascent sketching abilities. Many of the observing awards I want to complete require that astronomical sketches be submitted as part of the log entries to support the required observations.
To help expand my artistic horizons, I ordered a highly recommend book, aptly titled Astronomical Sketching: A Step-By-Step Introduction from (free shipping worldwide). I received two books in the mail yesterday, one of which was the sketching book shown at right. I skimmed through a couple of the chapters over breakfast this morning. I will need to assemble a supply list before I take a lunch hour trip to the closest art supply store (just north of me on Main Street in Kansas City, Missouri). And per advice from my artist son, I should just start sketching daily to hone my observation skills and to get familiar with the media (pencils, papers, erasers, smudgers, etc.). I would like to start sketching double stars initially, but will have to experiment and practice quite a lot before I will feel confident in sharing any of my sketches here at my blog.