I came home to a pleasant surprise Monday evening (January 7, 2012), delivered by my friendly postal employee. I received my signed first edition hardcover copy of A Memory of Light one day early, the day before the official release:

As you can see in the photo above, Brandon aptly personalized my copy with the phrase ‘The End.’ I started reading this series twenty-three years ago and I nearly gave up hope, when Robert Jordan passed away, of ever reading the long prophesied Last Battle. Soon, all my questions will be answered (or so I hope).
I stayed up two hours past my normal bed time to read the prologue and the first six chapters. I’ve read another six chapters since then and will read a couple more before falling asleep tonight. I predict that by Sunday, I’ll be posting a review here of my thoughts on the longest, sprawliest epic fantasy series I’ve ever read and whether A Memory of Light was worth the wait (and the hype).