What’s a WoT? (or so you might be asking yourself). A WoT is an acronym for The Wheel of Time series.
I love being born in the Year of the Dragon (Chinese calendar). It’s just cool. And this year, I can also enjoy an entire year of another type of dragon, the Dragon Reborn in Rand Al’Thor by re-reading the entire Wheel of Time series, in anticipation of the final volume’s publication next January.
But I won’t be doing this alone. Oh, no! And as if re-reading these massive epic fantasy tomes wasn’t enough, I volunteered to lead the discussion at the GoodReads Fantasy Book Club Series group, who will commence reading WoT beginning in April 2012. Looks like I need to get cracking before the end of March to stay ahead of the Wheel!
And I feel like shouting “Tor-Rah! Tor-Rah! Tor-Rah!” with all the great news coming from the publisher of the Wheel of Time series in just the past few days:
- Tor announced the tentative publication date (Jan 2013) for A Memory of Light.
- Tor announced Michael Whelan agreed to create the cover art for the final novel (after the unexpected passing of Darrell K. Sweet).
- Tor announced the re-release of all WoT novels with new cover art in trade paperback format.
- Tor announced today (March 1st) a GoodReads give-way of the entire Wheel of Time series boxed set.
So if you’ve been looking for an excuse to revisit Rand, Perrin, Mat, Nyneave and Egwene or, if you want to meet them for the first time, join me and a thousand of my GoodReads friends as we start the Wheel of Time turning with The Eye of the World, continuing inexorably on to the Last Battle in A Memory of Light.

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I sure wish they’d make all these into movies :-D. I stopped reading about 3/4 the way through the series, when Jordan passed away. I decided I wasn’t going to continue until the whole darn thing was done and then I was going to re-read it all from the beginning. A huge undertaking, but a worthy one! I’m going to head over and join the club!
Glad to have you join us. I look forward to re-reading this series with you. I also stopped re-reading when Robert Jordan passed away. When they announced Brandon Sanderson as the author to attempt to finish the series, I immediately went out and bought all his books and read them. I loved them and I have loved what he’s written so far for the Wheel of Time.
Welcome to the club! 🙂