On the Tenth Day of Christmas

I returned to work, as did everyone else in the vanpool, including the latest addition.  First commute in the van since late summer when all but one seat was occupied.  We left a few minutes earlier to accommodate the earlier work schedule of our new addition, yet everyone was on time for all their retrievals.

I ordered Rachelle’s contacts based on her new prescription.  I also contacted the mail-order pharmacy we use for our most expensive prescriptions to update the credit card information on file for the auto-refill ones.  Just a bit frustrating that I had to spend several minutes on hold, only to be told to call another number, which also placed me on hold for several minutes to accomplish what should have been available via the pharmacy website.  I suppose I should be grateful that I spoke to an American and guaranteed his continued employment.

On the drive home, I realized the sunset would be quite beautiful, but by the time I arrived home (around a quarter after five), the sun had mostly set.  I snapped a few photos with my cell phone’s camera, two of which I’ll post below:

SunsetMoon amid pink clouds

I continue to explore the Wii Fit Plus options.  I setup a customized routine to do every other day that includes a half dozen Yoga positions and seven strengthening exercises.  All the Yoga stuff is new to me, although some of the stretches I’ve done in other fitness classes in years past (just not knowing they were Yoga-based). By the time I finished my routine, I was tired and a bit shaky.

The Quadrantid meteor shower peaks January 4. The Moon sets after 3 a.m., leaving a few hours of dark-sky viewing.

I will definitely be too tuckered out to get up at three o’clock in the morning to watch for the Quarantid meteor shower.  A shame really, since this shower can produce more than sixty meteors per hour.  Of course, if I did wake up at that time, the clouds that covered the sky at sunset would (with my luck) still be obscuring the stars (and meteors).  If I stay in bed, other astronomers may have better luck viewing the shower since the skies will be clear (provided I’m not planning on observing).

I plan to doze off while reading shortly.  So I will wish you all a very good night.

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