Drink Only Water for Lent

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I don’t often get to listen to the KLOVE morning show these days.  My vanpool riders chat quite a bit, and with yesterday being a federal holiday, there was much to catch up on.  But after I dropped off the last two riders at Crown Center, I turned up the radio just in time to catch the DJs talking about giving up every kind of beverage except water for Lent and taking the money they will save on not purchasing lattes and mochas and sodas and donating it to the Forty Days of Water mission initiative.

40 days to bring clean water to Uganda! Give up that coffee, coke, juice, etc. & only drink water for 40 days. The money saved will go towards clean water wells in Uganda!

KLOVE Morning Show Facebook Status Update 2/21/12

For the details on how to participate in the Forty Days of Water, follow this link.

I haven’t decided if I will participate or not because basically I wouldn’t be giving up anything.  Probably eighty to ninety percent of what I drink every day is water.  If not water, then brewed tea or iced tea that I don’t pay for because I make it myself.  If I could convince Terry to give up Pepsi for Lent, now that would be an accomplishment.

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