Disembodied Sun Rises on Holy Week Wednesday

Risen Sun Floating Before the Clouds
Sunrise, Wednesday, 04/04/2012

Strange optical illusion shortly after the sun rose today.  The sun appeared to float before the clouds on the eastern horizon (see photo above).  This next photo has slightly better colors:


This will be my last post until after Easter (except for the already scheduled ‘Remembering Roxy’ post which will magically appear early Friday morning).

I will leave you with a prayer for today, Wednesday of Holy Week (Year B):

Creator of the universe,
you made the world in beauty,
and restore all things in glory
through the victory of Jesus Christ.

We pray that, wherever your image is still disfigured
by poverty, sickness, selfishness, war, and greed,
the new creation in Jesus Christ may appear
in justice, love, and peace,
to the glory of your name.


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