Article: This politician wants to blow up the cable industry’s stranglehold on what you watch

Information technology, net neutrality, video streaming, cable, satellite, broadband

This politician wants to blow up the cable industry’s stranglehold on what you watch

Yes!!! I need to contact my Congress men and express my fervent support fir this initiative.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

NPR: Reinventing the Dwindling Middle Class May Take a Revolution

Reinventing The Dwindling Middle Class May Take A Revolution

As the U.S. recovers from the Great Recession, one fact that’s emerging is that while jobs are coming back, most of these jobs are either high- or low-paying jobs. Middle-class jobs are not coming back, and it’s evident in towns across the Midwest like Lincoln, Ill.

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Remind me not to visit Lincoln any time soon.  I haven’t seen this sort of decline in Lansing or Leavenworth.  The tiny town I grew up in out in the county though is probably a poster child for the situation described in NPR’s article above.  Sad and scary.

Jeans Day Charity: Hillcrest Transitional Housing of Kansas

hthlogoThis Friday my employer is sponsoring a fundraiser jeans day in support of Hillcrest Transitional Housing of Kansas.  I plan to participate by donating more than the requested minimum of five dollars ($5.00).

This charity provides rent free hosing on a short-term basis in the Wyandotte and Johnson County areas of the greater Kansas City metropolitan area.  This housing is combined with financial education and provides a structured program design to assist homeless individuals and families in transitioning to self-sufficiency.

For more detailed information about the Hillcrest Transitional Housing organization, please follow this link.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

— Chinese Proverb