Jeans Day Charity: Hillcrest Transitional Housing of Kansas

hthlogoThis Friday my employer is sponsoring a fundraiser jeans day in support of Hillcrest Transitional Housing of Kansas.  I plan to participate by donating more than the requested minimum of five dollars ($5.00).

This charity provides rent free hosing on a short-term basis in the Wyandotte and Johnson County areas of the greater Kansas City metropolitan area.  This housing is combined with financial education and provides a structured program design to assist homeless individuals and families in transitioning to self-sufficiency.

For more detailed information about the Hillcrest Transitional Housing organization, please follow this link.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

— Chinese Proverb

Jeans Day Friday Charity: Purple Peace Foundation

November is Epilepsy Awareness Month

Today, my emplo0yer offered us the opportunity to participate in a fundraiser jeans day to benefit epilepsy awareness and fund much needed research.  And this is not the first time my employer supported epilepsy awareness.  The organization to receive our donations collected today is the Purple Peace Foundation.  The mission of the Foundation is to raise awareness about epilepsy and provide support to those living with or affected by epilepsy. Their goal is to raise funds to provide tools which may improve the quality of life for someone living with epilepsy, to support epilepsy research, and to increase awareness and education about epilepsy.


About 50,000 people die in the US each year from Epilepsy (prolonged seizures, SUDEP & seizure-related causes)

Just as a sense of scale . . .

   39,520 die from breast cancer

   15,000 die from prescription overdose

   12,000 die from skin cancer

   10,228 die in drunk driving accidents

Help spread the facts and raise epilepsy awareness!


Epilepsy is among the least understood of major chronic medical conditions.

  • Epilepsy affects over 3 million Americans of all ages.  This is more than multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and Parkinson’s disease combined.
  • Almost 500 new cases of epilepsy are diagnosed every day in the United States.
  • 1 in 3 adults know someone with epilepsy.
  • Epilepsy and seizure disorder are the same thing.
  • There are between 20 and 30 different kinds of seizures.
  • In our metropolitan area, up to 250,000 members may have recurrent seizures at some time during their lives.
  • 1 in 10 people will have a single seizure.
  • The biggest challenge for people with epilepsy is not the disorder itself but the myths, misconceptions and stigma that surround it!

 Please join me in spreading awareness about epilepsy this month.

Friday Jeans Day Charity: Go Red for Women

My day started out in the emergency room with chest pains.  Ironically, I was not the person experiencing the chest pains … my husband was.

Terry woke me up ten minutes before my alarm went off to let me know he was heading to the hospital.  I followed in a separate vehicle once I threw some clothes on.

I spent the next hour with him in the emergency room, monitoring his vitals (which appeared normal for the most part).  I left him in the capable hands of the hospital’s health care providers and proceeded to pickup my vanpool riders for the Friday work commute.  While my stress level kept spiking towards a red line as a result of my husband’s situation, I also had to drove through an unseasonable thunderstorm and torrential downpour for the next hour and a half with a van full of people.  Just as I dropped off the last two riders, my husband called me to let me know the hospital planned to release him soon.

I drove the rest of the way to my work, thankful that I had slipped on jeans, rather than deal with the rain in my regular work attire.  I had already planned to wear jeans and support my employer’s jeans day charity (Go Red for Women) and participation in the National Wear Red Day (which coincidentally is today, Friday, February 3, 2012).   I just wished I’d had time to find a red shirt in my rush out the door this morning.  I had to settle for a pink and black plaid shirt instead.

Friday Jeans Day Charity: Epilepsy Foundation

November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month.

Epilepsy, which affects between two and three million people in the United States, is characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures.

Today, Friday, 11/11/11, my employer is accepting donations for the Epilepsy Foundation as our ‘jeans day’ fund raiser.  This foundation works to ensure that people with seizures are able to participate in all life experiences; to improve how people with epilepsy are perceived, accepted and valued in society; and to promote research for a cure.  The Epilepsy Foundation is funded primarily through individual donations from the general public and receives restricted grant support from the federal government, foundations and private industry.

Please join me in in supporting this charity, to help raise awareness and support those afflicted with epilepsy.

Friday Jeans Day Charity: ALS Association

ALS Association LogoOnce or twice a month, my employer allows employees to wear jeans on a Friday, with the caveat (or a strongly made recommendation) that a minimum donation of $5 is made to a local charity, selected by committee and announced a few days in advance.  A couple of weeks ago, we supported the America Red Cross in response to the Joplin tornado disaster.

Today’s charity is the ALS Association.

ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), also commonly known as ‘Lou Gherig’s Disease.’

Facts You Should Know About ALS

Join me in supporting the ALS Association’s mission to find a cure for Lou Gheri’s Disease and improve the quality of life for all ALS patients.