For once, I live in just about the best spot to observe a total solar eclipse. The center line for the eclipse coming in August 2017 is just a few miles north of where I live. That being said, the path of the eclipse cuts diagonally across the United States from Oregon to South Carolina.
Update Monday 9/1/2014: I forgot to include a link to the Astronomy magazine article that will take you to the interactive map shown above: Make Plans for the 2017 Eclipse with This Great Map.
The next total solar eclipse visible from the continental United States occurs August 21, 2017. It’s likely to be the most-viewed ever, so the time to start planning where you will be on that date is now.
The Astronomical Society of Kansas City talked about this at least week’s monthly meeting. Plans are already underway. I’ll keep you posted with whatever programs and observing accessories we make available to the public.
Two years ago, I observed a partial solar eclipse, occurring just at sunset for the middle of the Continental United States. The sunset was spectacular thanks to the clouds, but I’m hoping there won’t be any clouds come August 21, 2017. If there are, I’ll be driving until I find clear skies.