I woke up to a surprise this morning on my Nook Color. I had a little green ‘n’ showing up in my alerts pop-up window. Heh? Why had I not heard anything about this update? Perhaps, because even B&N didn’t have much to say about the latest software update, billed as version 1.4.2:
Under the ‘What’s New’ heading: “The NOOK Color Ver1.4.2 update provides minor system enhancements.”
With a little digging and Googling, I found that the e-mail application received and update and B&N has made it harder to root most of the Nook tablets (something I attempted back last summer, but decided it wasn’t worth the grief and headaches). I like my Nook Color just the way it is. Perhaps I’ll be more adventurous when my two-year extended warranty expires.
I haven’t used my Nook much today, except to read during lunch, so I can’t confirm any other glitches or fixes. The e-mail application does seem to respond quicker and not get hung up on the sync cycle now. If I find anything else this evening, I will return and post an update.
For my thoughts on the previous update, released last December, visit my blog post and review for version 1.4.1.
Talk about a let down! Like you, I, too, was hoping for more information regarding v1.4.2. Ah well, I guess I will find out what the update entails soon enough 🙂
Gee, my wife’s Nook is equipped (NOT rooted) with the Nook2Andrioid (N2A) card available on Amazon, 1.4.2 software and works just fine. With no B&N warranty issues, unlike the rooting cards. Try it, you’ll be pleasantly surprised
I’ll have to check it out. How much did that set you back?
If you use Adobe Digital Editions this new update affects your lending ability. I just turned my NC on and can not read the book I was reading last night 🙁 After much research I believe I have to deactivate my nook with ADE and reactivate it. Not a big deal but a hassle for an update I did not have a choice about that offers “minor enhancements”.
Thanks for the heads up. I haven’t borrowed an ebook since last month when I checked out The Poisonwood Bible from the Kansas City Public Library. I will do some research and confirm and update this post appropriately.
Again, thank you for sharing!