Can’t find a title at your bookstore? No problem, have them print it out for you. – Autumn Adventures

Fond memories of one of my  first college-era summer employers … Xerox.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Treats for Rotts

Late Sunday morning, taking advantage of the unseasonal warm fall weather, I cleaned the Bonneville inside and out.  I did this in anticipation of treating my hubby and my dad to a birthday dinner later that afternoon.

By Monday morning, though, I had to re-install the seat protector in the back because we had a nine o’clock appointment at the vets for both Apollo and Lexy.  They both behaved very well in the lobby, even though another young male Rottweiler was being picked up by its owner.  He was quite rambunctious and excited to see his owner.

treats for Apollo and Lexy

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Lincoln’s spare words at Gettysburg inspire 150 years later –

So concise and powerful that it brought tears to my eyes. I should re-read this every year on Memorial Day, Independence Day and probably Veterans Day.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Birthday Bonanza

I scramble every year during this second week of November.  When I was a kid, I only had to remember that my dad’s birthday was the 18th.  Then, as I got older, approaching my adolescence, I added my uncle (my father’s younger brother) on the 17th.  Yes, that’s right, one day before my dad.  They are separated by four years minus one day.  Also, their youngest sibling, my aunt, falls in November, but thankfully it’s after Thanksgiving.

I left home and went off to college in Wichita, where I met my future husband (thirty years ago this past September).  I won’t share that story in this post, as it’s a poorly kept secret among close relatives and friends.  I shouldn’t have been surprised though to discover that his birthday falls on November 14th, four days before my dad.

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Article: Why Americans and Europeans may soon start dying of infections like it’s 1905 again

Why Americans and Europeans may soon start dying of infections like it’s 1905 again

Preaching to the choir (me) but still good idea to spread the word.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Faint Comet Found

Just as I was settling down and thinking about making my morning cup of tea, I thought I’d check the eastern sky one last time (see my earlier post about cloud cover on the wrong half of the sky). Surprise!  The clouds disappeared, probably due to the wind advisory we’re still under.  I could barely see the star Spica just breaking through the bare limbs of my neighbor’s trees.

I went back inside and grabbed my binoculars.  I then headed to one of my east-facing second floor bedrooms.  Thanks to my kids, the window in the south room has no screen so I can open it and have a clear view above my neighbor’s rooftops.

Continue reading “Faint Comet Found”

Can’t See Comet for the Clouds

I work up at 4:11 a.m. (Central Time) this morning. It’s a Sunday. Why am I up so early? I have no idea.

Since I was up early, I checked my Sky Safari app on my smartphone to see when Comet Ison would rise. I was in luck. It was scheduled to rise at 4:22, a few minutes before the star Spica.

Continue reading “Can’t See Comet for the Clouds”