Baby Moon to Venus: “Tag, You’re It!”

For the third day in a row this week, I planned an evening excursion to photograph astronomical objects converging on the western horizon during twilight. The people living along First Street on the hill above Main Street in Lansing probably think I’m crazy, camping out on the sidewalk with either a telescope or a camera on a tripod for hours on end.

Sunday, of course, I observed and photographed the solar eclipse.  Monday, I hunted and failed to catch a glimpse of a very young, very slim crescent moon.  Tuesday, I wanted to catch the two-day old moon as it passed by Venus for the last time this year.

But of course, I got home around five thirty to a distraction, albeit a pleasant one.  Rachelle had cooked dinner for Terry and I and invited Grandpa over.  Tuesday was her last full day visiting us.  She returns to North Texas today.  She created a marinara sauce from scratch, prepared tri-colored rotini pasta, sauteed some kale and created a fresh green salad from baby spinach and baby romaine.  I created some garlic cheese bread from a fresh loaf I baked on Sunday.  We definitely got our quota of veggies yesterday!

After supper, my dad and I retired to the backyard with my camera and my telephoto lens.  He had created a solar filter from the same film he used to create the larger filter for the telescope (used during Sunday’s solar eclipse observations).  He attached it to the telephoto lens and I took a couple of shots of the sun before it sunk below my neighbor’s roof line.

Sun (with solar filter, sans tripod) – click for larger image

We returned inside to find Terry napping (aka food coma) and Rachelle watching YouTube videos of her choir performance from last winter. I put the camera back in the bag and told everyone I was leaving to photograph the sunset, the crescent moon and Venus. Dad tagged along, since he had to head north to return home anyway.

I setup the tripod and camera near where I photographed the sunset Monday evening, moving a few feet further down the hill on the sidewalk to the south. I was looking for a less obstructed angle to the western horizon, trying to avoid some intervening trees. I took several shots as the sun set, but was really just killing time until Venus appeared, followed by the crescent moon.

Sunset (Tuesday May 22, 2012) – click image for rest of album

I continued to take photographs of Venus, the moon and the western horizon until a quarter to ten. I waited until twilight faded enough to see earthshine on the moon.

Earthshine on Moon, with Venus (late twilight, Tuesday, May 22, 2012) – click image to see rest of album

The faintness of the crescent moon surprised me.  I thought I would be able to see the moon before I could see Venus, but that was definitely not the case last night.  The haze and wispy clouds made it difficult to discern the slim sliver of the moon, while Venus blazed like a pinprick laser, even before the sun set. As noted above, this is the last time the moon and Venus will pass this close to each other this year.  And since in less than two weeks, Venus crosses the face of the sun, just as the Moon did two days ago, I declared a game of tag between the two of them.  Venus is “It” for at least the next fortnight.

Earthshine Moon Near Venus (click for larger image)

I packed up the photographic equipment and said goodnight to my dad. I returned home and immediately went to bed. I would download the photos from the SD card in the morning.

I only snoozed through one alarm this morning. I woke up Terry’s computer and downloaded the photos. I spent about thirty minutes sifting through the shots, discarding some really horrible overexposed yellow sunset chaff. I hand picked a dozen or so sunset and moon shots. I uploaded the first group and created a sunset album. I attempted to upload the second group of the Moon and Venus photos, but kept having errors. I tried and retried until I almost made myself late picking up my vanpool riders. I grabbed the SD card, stuffed it in my purse and ran out the door. I left the annoying home computer attempting to upload the photos while I commuted to work. I discovered some of the photos actually did upload, but not all of them. Enough of them, though, for me to get this blog post started and published. So, check back later today or tomorrow to see the rest of the photos (just click on the images above to see the rest of the photos in the albums).

Tilted View of Moon and Venus (just because I’m twisted like that) – click for larger image

I think I’m done with amateur astrophotography for the week.  I need to get back to my walking regimen.  I even forgot to put my pedometer on this morning, which I haven’t done in months.  Apollo will miss Rachelle, so I need to distract him from moping around the house and return to our evening walks around Lansing.

Playing Hide-and-Seek with Baby Moon

Monday afternoon I returned home from work all psyched up and ready to catch a glimpse of the new moon, the baby one, the one that’s barely twenty-four hours old.  I kept one eye on the sky all day, getting a bit perturbed at it’s pristine blueness compared to yesterday’s puffy whiteness competing with the solar eclipse.  I muttered to myself on the drive home, but immediately became distracted when I pulled in the driveway to find my husband inserting a new headlamp light blub in the Bonneville.  I asked him to replace it because I discovered on my midnight ride home from Powell Observatory Saturday that my left one had burnt out.

As I entered the garage, Terry stopped at the garage door and looked at me expectantly. I raised my left eyebrow in my classic Spock impersonation and gazed around trying to discern what I missed.  My eyes fell on the area of the second garage bay where we store the lawnmower.  I gasped in surprise as I spied a brand new shiny red pushmower.

Out with the old . . .
Out with the old . . .
. . . In with the new.
. . . In with the new.

Any thoughts of moon catching fled from my brain. The mower begged to be test driven (literally since it’s a self-propelled model). I spent a half hour acquainting myself with the mower in the backyard.  Despire popping a couple of wheelies, I liked the way the new mower conquered the grass and the terrain.

My mind got back on track with my moon hunt as eight o’clock approached. I asked Rachelle if she wanted to accompany me to my observing site, ostensibly to get Apollo out of the house on a short walk as well. She agreed readily. I grabbed the camera gear and tripod and placed them in the trunk, while Rachelle let Apollo jump in the back seat of the Bonneville.

I remembered to check the time of sunset for Monday evening (8:30 p.m.) but forgot to confirm the time of moonset. I later learned (upon returning home to my laptop) that moonset occurred shortly after 9:20 p.m. Since I rushed my daughter out of the house, she left her smartphone there.  She has a nifty app that functions as an interactive ‘live’ star atlas and would have helped me locate the baby moon playing peekaboo behind the clouds.

Seeking Very New Moon
Venus easily spotted (upper left quadrant) but can’t find new moon.

I setup the camera and tripod and took over seventy photos of the sunset and twilight in the vain hope that even if I couldn’t find the baby moon with my naked eye, I might capture it ‘on film’ and find it later when I download the photos from the camera. I stayed until nine o’clock, not knowing I still had twenty more minutes to try to find the moon, as the twilight faded away and Venus continued to brighten. My daughter convinced me the haze and few wispy clouds clinging to the western horizon obscured the moon, preventing me from seeing it’s slim sliver of a crescent.

I waited until Tuesday morning to download the photos and review them. Try as I might, I could not find the crescent moon. I even verified the location of the moon in relation to the sun and Venus for the time period I observed Monday evening.  I still feel I should have been able to find it, but perhaps it was the haze, thin clouds and lingering twilight that thwarted my efforts.

I snagged a few (more than a few actually, but I won’t inundated you with them) photos of the sunset, which continued to glow bright pink, orange and purple thirty minutes after the sun dipped below the horizon.

Seeking Very New Moon

This evening I plan to return to the same site to capture the two-day old crescent moon as it passes Venus.  According to Earthysky, tonight is the last time this year (2012) to see the moon and Venus so close to each other.  Venus rapidly descends over the next two weeks as it rushes to cut between us (Earth) and the sun (the year’s most popular astronomical event – the Transit of Venus).

∞ ∞ ∞

The following information was compiled by the Astronomical Society of Kansas City (ASKC):

Transit of Venus FAQ

What is the transit of Venus?

Once in a great while, Venus can pass directly between the Sun and Earth. Only the planets Mercury and Venus can do this, since they are the only two planets closer to the Sun than Earth. When they do, they appear as small black dots crossing the face of the Sun over a period of several hours.

When is the transit of Venus?

From the Kansas City area, it will begin at 5:09 PM CDT on Tuesday, June 5th, and continue until sunset, which will be around 8:41 PM. Weather permitting, we will see 53% of the entire transit before sunset.

Why is the transit of Venus such a special event?

Because of the size and slightly different tilt of the orbits of Venus and Earth, a transit does not happen every time Venus passes between the Sun and Earth; it’s almost always “above” or “below” the Sun when it reaches what is called inferior conjunction. In a 243-year cycle, there are only 4 transits. They occur at very uneven intervals – the last one was in June of 2004, but the next one isn’t until December of 2117, 105 ½ years from now!

Historically, timings of transits of Venus were carried out in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries to trigonometrically calculate the size of the orbit of Venus, which when applied to Kepler’s 3rd law of planetary motion, determined the absolute (rather than relative) size of every other orbit in the Solar System. This was actually the best way to measure distances in the Solar System until radar and space probes became available in the latter half of the 20th century.

How can I observe the transit of Venus?

You can make a pinhole projector with a couple of pieces of card stock or a small cardboard box; just poke a small hole in one of the pieces or one end of the box, and position it such that it casts a small image of the Sun on the other piece or the other end of the box.

It will be a lot easier to see, though, through a suitable filter, either with your unaided eye or binoculars or a telescope completely covered by a full-aperture filter. Safe filters are available at HMS Beagle, a science store at English Landing in Parkville.

Where will there be organized viewing of the transit of Venus?

There will be at least 3 organized events in the Kansas City area:

  1. The Astronomical Society of Kansas City will open Powell Observatory in Louisburg. A map and directions are at
  2. The ASKC will also open Warkoczewski Observatory at UMKC, on the roof of Royall Hall. Park on the 4th level of the parking structure on the southwest corner of 52nd & Rockhill and take the skywalk into Royall, then up 2 flights of stairs to the roof.
  3. Kansas Citizens for Science, with assistance from ASKC members, will host observing from the rooftop of Coach’s Bar & Grill, 9089 W. 135th, Overland Park.

Moon + Sun = Eclipse

Photo1402.jpgI woke up Sunday to nearly complete overcast.  In fact, I went to bed with the same sky, or so it seemed when I looked out my bedroom window.  I should have returned to bed for more sleep, especially since I had my first night as a volunteer staff team member at a public night at Powell Observatory in Lousiberg, Kansas and didn’t get home until close to midnight.  Even though the skies started clouding up before sunset Saturday, over sixty people stopped by in the vain hope of seeing Mars, Saturn or even some of the spring galaxies visible this time of year.  We (meaning other members of the ASKC) entertained and educated them with a program on galaxies, featuring M31, commonly known as the Andromeda galaxy.  We were able to lock up the observatory a bit early, but the hour long drive home still put me three hours past my normal bed time.

I wiled away Sunday reading sixteen chapters of Insurgent.  My daughter spent the afternoon with friends and planned to attend the Tbones baseball game that evening.  As the afternoon wore on, I could tell from my library window that the clouds drifted away and more blue began to dominate the sky.  After six o’clock, I started transferring the telescope and photographic equipment to the vehicle for transport to the spot I had picked out to observe the solar eclipse.

Solar Filter and Sheild on the Front
Meade ETX90 with Solar Filter and Shield on the front and Pentax on the back.

I got to the site a bit after half past six and began setting up the scope.  I called my dad and woke him up from his nap.  He said he would be on his way in just a few minutes.  I called him back and asked him to bring a level, since I had forgotten to grab one from the garage before I left home.  Just as I had everything hooked up and ready to go, the sun slipped behind an extra large cloud and stayed there for several minutes.  Since the solar filter only lets through one one-millionth of the light emitting from the sun, I couldn’t orient the scope until the cloud passed by.

Cloud Conditions
Cloud Conditions During Solar Eclipse (Lansing, Kansas)

Dad arrived before the sun peeked out again.  Using the level he brought, we fine tuned the tripod for better tracking in a polar mount configuration for the telescope.  I had barely enough time to take a few test photographs of the sun to attempt to get the focus dialed in as much as possible.  Focusing the telescope with the Pentax attached to it can be very challenging.  The telescope becomes a large telephoto lens for the camera, but the digital camera is completely unaware of the telescope because the camera normally talks to a ‘smart’ lens which feeds it information about light conditions and focus.  The telescope is completely passive and completely manual (except for the tracking motors which slew during observations to keep the object centered in the eyepiece).

To focus the Meade ETX90, whether using the eyepiece or the camera, I need to turn a small knob on the back of the scope that adjusts the mirror inside the scope.  The viewfinder of the camera gave me a live image of the sun about the size of a dime (or smaller).  I tried using my naked eye and my reading glasses, but neither one would resolve the sunspots to a fine acuity.  I had to hope I got the focus ‘close enough’ for the camera.  I don’t know of a technique to correct focus after the fact with photo editing software, so if I didn’t get it as close as I could, I would be stuck with slightly blurry photos.

Partial Solar Eclipse
Pre-eclipse photo of sun (click image for rest of album)

The eclipse began earlier than I thought it would, by about five minutes. I took several photographs over the next hour, as the sun (and moon) continued to sink through the clouds towards the western horizon. I had some problems with the wind and of course the clouds. With about ten minutes left before the sun (and moon) dipped below the horizon, I detached the camera from the telescope and instead took some photos of the stunning sunset occurring simultaneously with the solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse Sunset
Sunset during Solar Eclipse (click image for rest of album)

Several people stopped by and asked about the eclipse. I could even show them some of the photos I’d taken using the preview feature and the view screen on the back of the Pentax.  Here are a couple of crowd favorites among the shots I took:

Partial Solar Eclipse

Partial Solar Eclipse

Partial Solar Eclipse

I gained great experience during this solar eclipse. I feel more prepared and confident for the Transit of Venus, which happens in just two weeks from tomorrow! I’ll be in the same spot, clouds permitting. Otherwise, I may be forced to settle for a webcast of the event, because one way or another, I will witness it.

Saturday Stroll Around the Plaza

Click photo for rest of album

Rachelle and I spent Saturday morning participating in the Kansas City Heart Walk.  Getting, there, proved to be more of a challenge than the actual physical exertion.

I woke up at my usual time (between five and five-thirty in the morning).  I came downstairs to find Rachelle asleep in the hide-away bed in the living room.  I gently shook her awake enough to ask her when she had gotten to sleep.  She mumbled something about two (or maybe it was three) in the morning.  I let her drift back to sleep.

I finished off the last bit of a box of cereal and started reading Insurgent by Veronica Roth, a recently released sequel to last year’s Divergent.  The hardcover edition I checked out from the Kansas City Public Library is a strange size, being shorter than most of my other hardcovers, but still thick.  The font is adequate in size, but almost double-spaced on the page, so I can breeze through quickly.  I reached Chapter Eight and page 87 before putting down the book to prepare for the Heart Walk.    Time to try waking up Rachelle again.

I shook her awake again at 7:15 a.m. and she asked for another fifteen minutes.  I gave her another twenty or so and finally got her up and moving at about a quarter before eight.  I needed to leave soon, as the warm-up for the walk began at a quarter to nine, and we still had to drive from Lansing to the Plaza, which takes thirty to forty minutes most days.  We pulled out of the driveway at five minutes to eight.

The Building I Work In
Plaza Colonnade building (where I spend most of my weekdays)

We encountered no traffic of any kind on K-7 or I-70 or even US-71.  As we approached the Plaza from the east, we began to see evidence of the walk as people (walking) and cars converged on Theis Park, the staging area for the Heart Walk.  Since we were arriving so close to the start of the Walk, parking near the art gallery was non-existent and most of the walkers we saw were walking from the west and the parking garages at the Country Club Plaza.  I opted to park in the parking garage at my building, which overlooks the intersection of Ward Parkway and Brookside Boulevard.

Rachelle and I walked a couple of blocks from the parking garage to Theis Park in about five minutes.  We didn’t have time to stop at any of the sponsors’ tents.  We wove our way through the crowds towards the north, where we could hear someone announcing the top five teams for fundraising for the event.  I had no idea where my team was supposed to gather, and in fact only saw one other person from where I work briefly pass me in the crowd.  We reached a spot just north of the Information Booth, and waited for a few minutes.

Waiting to Warm Up
Waiting to Warm Up

Before the warm-up, a local artist led us in the National Anthem.  Then, someone led us in a quick jazzersize warm-up, most of which I couldn’t follow because I could not see the stage well enough to determine what stretches and exercises I was supposed to be doing.  I did the best I could under the circumstances.

KC Heart Walk 3 and 1 mile routes map

Soon after the warmup, the announcer told us to start walking, and we all did.  Rachelle, and I, and several thousand other people took over the streets around the Nelson-Atkins art gallery.   Rachelle and I had already planned on walking the longer route.   By the time we walked up, around and down past the art gallery and along Brush Creek to where the 1 mile route diverged, thirty minutes had elapsed.  That’s a slow pace!  But with the press of so many people, even using the entire street, we couldn’t have increased our pace without resorting to rudeness.

Down the Hill

The walkers committed to completing the longer three mile route stretched out along Brush Creek’s north side.  I really dreaded this portion of the walk as Brush Creek can be odoriferous on good days.  Since the sky stayed overcast and the wind gusted, neither Rachelle and I suffered too much.

Along Brush Creek

We climbed out of Bush Creek on the west side of the Plaza, headed north to 47th street, and proceeded east. As we approached J.C. Nichols Parkway, I asked Rachelle if she wanted to continue to the finish line, which was just a couple of blocks beyond Main Street, or turn right and walk the two or three blocks to my building. She didn’t care, so I opted to head back to the building. Interestingly, while our first mile took thirty minutes, we completed the last two miles in a bit less than thirty minutes (a pace we’re both more used to walking).

We returned to the parking garage and left the Plaza behind around ten o’clock.  We made one brief stop in the Legends area, to purchase tickets to Sunday’s Tbones baseball game.  Our local minor league team just celebrated the opening of their tenth season in Kansas City last Thursday evening.

Rachelle and I had a good time walking with many other Kansas Citians in the Heart Walk.  I want to thank all my sponsors for supporting me and the American Heart Association.  Your donations fund critical cardiovascular disease research and education.  I am also proud to work for an employer who takes an active part in the community’s health and wellness.  I thank them for sponsoring not only a team, but most of the three mile route I walked Saturday morning.

My Employer Sponsored Our Route

Oh, and in case you’re wandering about my step statistics for this week, except for the two days I was either in Texas or driving back from Texas (after attending my daughter’s college graduation), I exceed my goal of 7,000 steps per day, especially on Saturday (which totaled 13,531 steps):

Graduation North Texas Style

A week ago Friday, Rachelle performed for family, friends and faculty at her senior voice recital:

Rachelle Moss, Senior Voice Recital
Rachelle Moss, Senior Voice Recital (click photo for rest of album)

Saturday, the actual commencement ceremony held in the UNT Colliseum:

Rachelle Before Commencement (click photo for rest of album)

Saturday evening, her graduation party, hosted by her friend and former landlord, who also stayed up all night Friday to barbecue ribs and brisket:

Rachelle About to Cut Her Cake
Rachelle After Commencement (click photo for rest of album)

Good food. Good fun. Good times. Great memories.

Beautiful Start to a Busy Weekend

Friday Sunrise
Sunrise, Friday, May 18, 2012 (click photo for rest of album)

The sun rises early enough now that I can take a few minutes out of my morning routine to setup the tripod and camera to take some nice photos. I took all of these from my driveway while eating my cereal. Gorgeous morning! I had hoped to capture the tiny sliver of a crescent moon, but the pink, orange and gold clouds obscured it.

Tomorrow morning, I walk in the KC Heart Walk.  Tomorrow evening, I have my first night as a team member at ASKC‘s Powell Observatory, with a topic of ‘Galaxies Galore’ to learn and observe.  Sunday, I hope to get a chance to catch my breath, and maybe catch a movie.

Remembering Roxy: Did a Horse Just Gallop by?

Roxy in Training (May 2005)
Roxy in Training (May 2005)

Roxy might have been related to a camel.  As far as we could tell, she only drank water from her two gallon dish once or twice a day.  When she decided to quench her thirst, she could easily drain half or more of the water from said dish.  And if we happened to be watching a television show or movie, we had to pause it because we could not hear anything over Roxy’s obnoxious slurping. It reminded Terry and I of Monty Python & the Holy Grail; specifically, the knights use of coconuts to simulate the sound of a trotting or galloping horse.

Terry remarked that he could hear her drinking half a house away, beyond a closed door and down the stairs in the band room.  Rachelle remembered being able to hear her slurping while standing outside the house with the door closed.  I just remember worrying that she would cause her stomach to torsion.  We lost one of our previous Rottweilers in the prime of his life to that malady.

I don’t fill up the water dish nearly as often now.  Apollo, stealth dog that he is, sips water silently from the oversized (for just him) water dish.  He might be quieter than Roxy was, but he drips more water on us (deliberately or so I believe).

Movie Review: Destination Moon (1950)

Destination Moon (1950)

3 out of 5 stars

Hmmm … quite the blast from the past.  I watched Destination Moon via Netflix DVD while visiting my daughter last weekend.  I placed this movie in my queue based on a recent post (one of his last) by John Scalzi over at his blog, wherein he mentioned nine science fiction films often overlooked or underappreciated

Even with the help of legendary science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein (both on the script and as a technical adviser), Destination Moon just doesn’t hold up well when viewed through the lens of the space age.  Yes, they got some things right and tried to demonstrate weightlessness, pricinciples of inertia and some of the obstacles needed to overcome and survive space travel.  For a hard scifi flick from the mid-20th century, I give the film an A for effort. 

I did not care for the ending though.  If you’re going to go to all the trouble to get to the moon, and almost not make it back due to poor planning (i.e. too much weight to return with the fuel alotted, no slack planned for when they had trouble landing and used extra fuel).   The only real drama from the entire movie boiled down to who might have to stay behind and die on the moon.  The characters finally achieve their weight goal with just seconds to spare and successfully take off from the moon. 

And that’s it.  The movie ends there.  We have no idea if they made it back to Earth or if they splashed down safely in the ocean (another idea they got ‘right’ as proven later by NASA and the Gemini, Mercury and Apollo programs). 

I found it interesting to compare and contrast with science facts from 1950 and what I now know in 2012, I don’t know that I’d consider this a ‘must see’ science fiction film.  Maybe at the time (in the early 50s), but not now.

Steps Shortfall

As I predicted, I reached my goal of seven thousand steps per day only one day (Tuesday) out of seven last week.  I got close (within five hundred steps) on Thursday, the day I walked around the UNT campus with my daughter. 

Steps Stats Second Week (May 2012)
Steps Stats Second Week (May 2012)

I’m off to a better start this week, reaching almost ten thousand steps last night on a post-sunset walk with Apollo and my daughter around our Lansing neighborhood.

Only three more days until I walk in the KC Heart Walk this Saturday morning.  You still have time to donate to the American Heart Association and support me

Thanks and have a heart healthy day!

Remebering Roxy: Mother’s Day 2007

Five years ago, my daughter, Rachelle, wrapped up her senior year of high school.   This year, the day before Mother’s Day, she graduates from college, which is probably the best present a mother could ever receive and I am truly thankful Rachelle persevered, am proud of her achievement and excited for her future adventures and dreams.

Back in 2007, Rachelle spent her senior year creating beautiful art, including a large self-portrait in oils that hangs in our great room next to the fireplace, several 2-D pieces, and another oil portrait of Roxy.  She also received a I rating at the Kansas State Music Festival for her solo.

Roxy and Her Portrait (May 2007)
Roxy and Her Portrait (May 2007)

As a special Mother’s Day gift back in May 2007, Rachelle painted a portrait of Roxy in oil on gesso masonite, using the photograph I took below (in August 2005) as a basis for her painting.  She finished it in just three days.  This photo (below) of Roxy is one of my favorites, and spent months as my Windows wallpaper back in 2006.

Roxy (Aug 2005)
Roxy (Aug 2005)

The portrait of Roxy hangs in a place of honor in my kitchen/dining area and is almost the first thing you see when you walk in my house.

Self PortraitI even managed to include it in an updated avatar profile picture I took with my cell phone.  I spent the rest of that Sunday afternoon updating all my avatars at various social networking sites, replacing the one I had been using (a closeup of Roxy from last fall) with the more recent one you see to the right.  At least this way, people can recognize me and I can still provide a tribute to my favorite ditzy Rottweiler, Roxy.

Today marks the second month anniversary of Roxy’s death.  We still miss her and continue to think about her often.