I’m starting a new blog post series today. I hope to help people navigate the local library’s online catalog and successfully find the items they want to read, listen or watch. For purposes of this blog, I define “Local Library” as the Lansing Community Library, one of the many regional libraries participating in the NExpress regional shared catalog of the Northeast Kansas Library System.
I’m calling this series “In Search Of: ” as a practical guide to finding materials I want to check out. This series will contain real world examples taken directly from my everyday routine life. If you have a question, situation or scenario that you struggled with, please post a comment or email me the particulars and I’ll be glad to assist or connect you with the correct library resource personnel.
What I’m Searching For and Why
Today’s conundrum brings us to Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. Next month, my Local Library’s adult book group will be reading and discussing this classic. My preferred format for reading these days is to listen to audiobooks from my smartphone through my Bluetooth headset while commuting to work. My two hour daily commute would otherwise be wasted time when I could have been reading!
The challenge with a book like Sense and Sensibility comes from its classic status. All libraries will have multiple editions, in print, ebook and audiobook formats. In this case, there are also videos thrown into the mix because Sense and Sensibility has been adapted for television and film many times. So, when I first search at the NExpress online catalog, I know my results are going to be many and I will need to filter them down to get to the format I prefer.
NOTE: You should already have a NExpress library card and PIN (issued by your Local Library) and have successfully logged into your NExpress account. This allows you to place a hold on any item you find in your catalog search results and have it delivered to your Local Library and held at the front desk for your pickup. Continue reading “In Search Of: An Austen Audiobook”