Lincoln’s spare words at Gettysburg inspire 150 years later –

So concise and powerful that it brought tears to my eyes. I should re-read this every year on Memorial Day, Independence Day and probably Veterans Day.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Birthday Bonanza

I scramble every year during this second week of November.  When I was a kid, I only had to remember that my dad’s birthday was the 18th.  Then, as I got older, approaching my adolescence, I added my uncle (my father’s younger brother) on the 17th.  Yes, that’s right, one day before my dad.  They are separated by four years minus one day.  Also, their youngest sibling, my aunt, falls in November, but thankfully it’s after Thanksgiving.

I left home and went off to college in Wichita, where I met my future husband (thirty years ago this past September).  I won’t share that story in this post, as it’s a poorly kept secret among close relatives and friends.  I shouldn’t have been surprised though to discover that his birthday falls on November 14th, four days before my dad.

Continue reading “Birthday Bonanza”

Article: On The Timeless Appeal Of ‘Calvin & Hobbes’

On The Timeless Appeal Of ‘Calvin & Hobbes’

And I noticed a recent blurb from Barnes & Noble that several collections if the comic are niw available in ebook format.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

10 Key Terms That Will Help You Appreciate Fantasy Literature

Brush up on your fantasy sub genres with this article from io9. Which one is your favorite? Which one will you try next?

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Article: Netflix Overhauls Its TV Interface To Create A Seamless Experience Across Connected Devices

Netflix Overhauls Its TV Interface To Create A Seamless Experience Across Connected Devices

This will be interesting to try out with the Chromecast.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Article: This politician wants to blow up the cable industry’s stranglehold on what you watch

Information technology, net neutrality, video streaming, cable, satellite, broadband

This politician wants to blow up the cable industry’s stranglehold on what you watch

Yes!!! I need to contact my Congress men and express my fervent support fir this initiative.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon

Jeans Day Charity: Hillcrest Transitional Housing of Kansas

hthlogoThis Friday my employer is sponsoring a fundraiser jeans day in support of Hillcrest Transitional Housing of Kansas.  I plan to participate by donating more than the requested minimum of five dollars ($5.00).

This charity provides rent free hosing on a short-term basis in the Wyandotte and Johnson County areas of the greater Kansas City metropolitan area.  This housing is combined with financial education and provides a structured program design to assist homeless individuals and families in transitioning to self-sufficiency.

For more detailed information about the Hillcrest Transitional Housing organization, please follow this link.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

— Chinese Proverb

Caramel Corn

On the last day of August, my husband found an interesting recipe article via his Flipboard app on his smartphone.  He handed me his phone and wanted me to write down the recipe.  I rolled my eyes.  Instead, I used the share feature of either the Flipboard or Firefox for Android app to e-mail a link to him (and me, since it would be preserved forever in my email sent items).

Since that time, I purchased an air popper to pop popcorn, with the express intention of trying out the aforementioned recipe.  While I’ve popped popcorn several times with the air popper, I have yet to actually make caramel corn.  So I can’t vouch for the veracity of the recipe, nor for its claim to lack of difficulty in execution.

All of this is neither here nor there.  A couple of comments and reminders from my husband this past week, with him nudging me to e-mail this recipe to our daughter because she was interested in trying it, prompted me to go digging through my sent items to locate the lost and forgotten caramel corn recipe article link.  Instead of forwarding the e-mail to my daughter, I thought I’d preserve the link here at my blog where I (and anyone else) can easily search for it in the future.

Click on image to read Caramel Corn recipe article.

Now everyone can find it, not just me and my email out box.
