Last Ticket to Ride

My vanpool has one open seat available. We leave early (6:30 a.m.) from the Hallmark plant parking lot (Eisenhower Road between US-73/K-7 and Hughes Road in Leavenworth, Kansas) and Hallmark headquarters in midtown KC  and the Country Club Plaza.  We usually make it back to Leavenworth by 5:30 p.m. or shortly thereafter.

The RideShare Connection is a free, easy and convenient service that connects commuters throughout Greater Kansas City, Lawrence and St. Joseph who are interested in carpooling
The RideShare Connection is a free, easy and convenient service that connects commuters throughout Greater Kansas City, Lawrence and St. Joseph who are interested in carpooling

If you’re tired of paying an arm and a leg or the lion’s share of your paycheck to fill up your ‘daily driver’ and want to start saving instead, stop by the Kansas City MARC Rideshare Program to learn more.  Not only will you spend less of you hard earned money on gasoline, you’ll help the environment (fewer vehicles on the road), put less wear-and-tear on your vehicle and save on your auto-insurance (just for starters).

If you have any questions or interest, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for stopping by!

SGU: Carpio Fatum

After frustrating myself by trying to locate the first sliver of the waxing moon soon after the sunset, I opted to watch the movie ‘Unstoppable‘ at least until SGU was half-finished recording.  The movie proved such an adrenaline rush that Terry and I barely had time to blink before it finished after ten o’clock.  I hurried off to bed, only to jump back up, remembering that Monday night (April 4th) was the best viewing night for Saturn.  I dragged the telescope from my west-facing master bedroom window where I had earlier attempted to spy the sliver of moon to my east-facing ‘green’ room previous occupied by my daughter.  I spied Saturn, but the double-pane insulated and probably tinted window glass caused distortion and a double-image.  I should have gotten re-dressed and taken the telescope out on the front lawn, but five in the morning comes terribly early on a Tuesday.

I tossed and turned for an hour or two before drifting off.  I hit the snooze at least twice before scrambling through my morning routine.  I started watching ‘Seizure‘ just shy of 5:30 a.m., giving me at least five minutes slack time after finishing the episode to make it to my vanpool rendezvous. Wednesday morning ratings report: Holding steady with SGA crossover.  Follow Monday update:  Transcript for ‘Seizure’ episode.

Seizure (aired 4/4/2011)
Seizure (aired 4/4/2011)

I loved seeing both Robert Picardo (portraying Richard Woolsey) and David Hewlett (as Dr. Rodney McKay).  Telford is fast becoming my new ‘Rush’ … the character I love to hate.

Seizure, as with most SGU episode titles, has many meanings and layers.  Earth seizing the opportunity to thwart the Lucian Alliance and reconnect with Destiny through the Icharus-type planet Langara, who are reluctant to allow Earth to dial the 9th chevron and risk destroying their world.  McKay, typically arrogant and socially inept, affirms his new dialing algorithm eliminates any such risk.  Woolsey cautions the military to stand down with respect to the Langarans, but Telford (and Young) refuse to listen to saner diplomatic heads.

Back on Destiny, Amanda and Rush dally digitally and again I really didn’t need to know that much about the binary byplay between the two lovebirds.  Rush is pathetic rather than annoying this time around.  Amanda takes up lying in her attempt to ‘seize’ Rush for herself (ill-considered and poorly executed, even if her intentions were well-meaning) and Ginn and Eli display courage and integrity in contrast.

A nice well-rounded episode that I’d rate as better than a three but less than a four on a five star scale.  I’ll be re-watching this episode later in the week to more fully appreciate some of the nuances I missed on my first rushed viewing.  Transcript of last week’s ‘Hope’ episode for those interested found here.

Currently Reading (Apr 2011): The Mill on the Floss by Eliott

The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot

I’m reading this, my third Victorian literature novel, as part of the KC Public Library‘s ‘A Taste of Victorian Literature‘ reading group. I’ll be reading this throughout the month of April 2011 and will join the group at the Plaza Branch on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. for a lecture and discussion.

The following were provided in handouts from the Kansas City Public Library, emailed to the participants in the reading group.

About the Book:

The title of this novel is a succinct description of both the setting and the chief external conflict: the Dorlcote Mill located on the River Floss, which is operated by the Tulliver family. The business creates conflict within the family as Mr. Tulliver sends his doltish son Tom for schooling (in preparation to run the mill) rather than his bright and bookish daughter Maggie. After a lawsuit threatens to bankrupt him, Mr. Tulliver asks his son to swear an oath of enmity on the family Bible – an oath that soon changes Maggie’s life as well.

The nuanced relationship between Tom and Maggie is the novel’s foremost concern as the siblings unintentionally create a snowballing series of tragedies. Meanwhile, Eliot applies a keen moral sense to all her characters. Few are left unscathed.

The Mill on the Floss presents one of the finest portraits of domestic life in the early Victorian era, offering readers insights into the rituals of meals as well as the procurement and preparation of food. Eliot’s acute eye for village life also manifests in colloquial dialogue.

A true Victorian novel given its time period, The Mill on the Floss is also a distinctly modern novel in that Eliot gives all the characters true minds of their own: psychology trumps plot and narrative convenience and even reader expectation.

About the Author:

George Eliot (1819 – 1880) took up her career as a novelist later than most. Named Mary Ann Evans, she grew up in a modest home and attended school under the influence of an evangelical spinster. She left school as a teenager in order to care for her father, who would be her near constant companion for the next 15 years until his death. During this time, she struggled with her own concept of moral duty as well as religious notions that nearly compelled her to forsake reading for pleasure.

At 35, Eliot fell in love with George Henry Lewes, a married man prevented by Victorian law from obtaining a divorce from his wife despite her infidelity, which produced four children. Rejecting respectability and social custom, Eliot lived with Lewes as his unmarried wife. This happy union proved the catalyst for Eliot to take up the pen.

Eliot published her first novel Adam Bede in 1859, adopting at that time the convention of female authors taking male pseudonyms. Widely hailed by critics and the public alike, only Charles Dickens immediately identified this debut author as an incredibly talented woman. The Mill on the Floss (1860), her second novel, proved part autobiographical in its depiction of a close brother-sister relationship.

Eliot wrote several more important novels: Silas Marner (1861), Romola (1862), Felix Holt (1866), Middlemarch (1871), and Daniel Deronda (1876). She passed away in 1880, two years after Lewes died.

In her time, Eliot was known as the greatest living English novelist. She is praised for her focus on the psychology of her characters as well as the moral force of her fiction and its intelligence. Virginia Woolf would later defend Eliot against disparaging attacks by declaring Middlemarch as “one of the few English novels written for grown-up people.”

Discussion Topics for The Mill on the Floss

  1. Childhood and falling in love are two main themes of Mill on the Floss.  How do the provincial values and customs of St. Ogg’s stunt the main characters’ growth and frustrate their romantic relationships?
  2. Eliot believed that the art of fiction told truths of its own, through invention.  What truths about life does Mill on the Floss get at?  Which of these truths might be considered timeless?
  3. The word “respectable” comes up repeatedly in this novel.  What does it mean, within the context of early Victorian society?
  4. What do we learn in this novel regarding Victorian attitudes towards children?  What role does class play in these attitudes?
  5. Water is the novel’s most important motif or recurring symbol.  How does Eliot use water to foreshadow the plot, to highlight certain themes?  What does water symbolize?
  6. Who is the narrator?  What role does this narrator play?
  7. What is the importance of family in this novel?  In Victorian society at large?


Pity the Fool Who Doesn’t Read SF&F

Happy April Fool’s Day!

But I’m not joking about reading, especially fantasy and science fiction.  Here’s a preview of what’s being read at a select few of my GoodReads book clubs and groups:

Beyond Reality’s currently-reading book montage

Beyond Reality 687 members
Welcome to the Beyond Reality SF&F discussion group on GoodReads. In Beyond Reality, each of our me…

Books we’re currently reading

Stormed FortressStormed Fortress
by Janny Wurts
Start date: March 24, 2011 

Lord of LightLord of Light
by Roger Zelazny
Start date: April 1, 2011 

Black Sun Rising: The Coldfire...Black Sun Rising: The Coldfire Trilogy #…
by C.S. Friedman
Start date: April 1, 2011
View this group on Goodreads »Share book reviews and ratings with Beyond Reality, and even join a book club on Goodreads.

SciFi and Fantasy Book Club’s currently-reading book montage

SciFi and Fantasy Book Club 4588 members
Welcome to the SciFi and Fantasy Book Club!
SciFi Czar: Brad
Fantasy Czar: Cindy

Books we’re currently reading

by Isaac Asimov
Start date: April 1, 2011 

Eon: Dragoneye RebornEon: Dragoneye Reborn
by Alison Goodman
Start date: April 1, 2011

View this group on Goodreads »

Fantasy Book Club’s currently-reading book montage

Fantasy Book Club 2623 members
For lovers of Fantasy, monthly book discussions

Books we’re currently reading

Fantasy Book Club Series’s currently-reading book montage

Fantasy Book Club Series 266 members
Can’t resist the lure of an epic saga full of fantastic creatures, scintillating sorcery, heroic…

Books we’re currently reading

Deadhouse GatesDeadhouse Gates
by Steven Erikson
Start date: March 15, 2011

by Raymond E. Feist
Start date: April 1, 2011

Books we plan to read

Memories of IceMemories of Ice
by Steven Erikson
Start date: April 15, 2011

A Darkness at SethanonA Darkness at Sethanon
by Raymond E. Feist
Start date: May 1, 2011

Share book reviews and ratings with Fantasy Book Club Series, and even join a book club on Goodreads.

Not quite as busy as last month, but still lots of good reads I’m looking forward to!

Ciao, Jon

Otherworldly Choral Compositions

Last night my daughter performed with the UNT College of Music Chamber Choir in concert in Winspear Hall at the Murchison Performing Arts Center.  Thanks to live streaming provided by the recording services at the UNT College of Music, my husband and I are able to enjoy outstanding audio and adequate video of most of my daughter’s concerts.

After the Intermission, the Chamber Choir moved on to some late 20th century choral compositions that challenged both the performers and the listeners.

One of the more difficult pieces was a 1981 choral composition by Sven-David Sandström entitled Agnus Dei, a 16-part piece which created a sensation when it premiered at the international choir festival in Stockholm.  Following that performance, members of the audience rushed the stage and pulled the music from the choir members, not something you normally envision happening at a performance of sacred choral music.

Another strange piece performed immediately following Agnus Dei utilized harmonic overtone singing, a specialty of the composer, Sarah HopkinsPast Life Melodies (1991), with its 11-part composition and other-worldly harmonic overtones with roots in Mongolia and Tibet, reminded me quite strongly of a sequence from the soundtrack of 2011: A Space Odyssey.  You may remember the visually stunning sequence, but the aural atmosphere was equally astonishing.

If only I still owned a turntable, I could ask my mom for the vinyl recording, which I listened to repeatedly in my youth.  I wonder if any choirs have attempted a performance of Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite?

Book Review: The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

The Wise Man's Fear (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #2)The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.25 to 4.75 stars

Five stars is a gift, because parts of this ‘story’ frustrated me to no end, though the novel carries a very strong four star rating for me. Yet the hidden gems I found along the winding road this tale took made me laugh, cry, rage, cry some more, laugh some more, and scratch my head in wonder.

Pros: Exceptional story telling (occasionally, sporadically), often lyrical prose, beautiful deep embedded world building beyond the mere descriptive paragraph. I loved the scenes with Master Elodin, Devi, Bast and to some degree with Denna, a character I had little sympathy for in The Name of the Wind.

Cons: When we finally leave the University (a full one-third of the way through the novel), the action and adventure is quashed in a couple of sentences, at least as it respects the actual journey east. All the chapters seem too short to me, but that might be because I tend to read epic fantasy where the length of the chapters can approach one hundred pages or more. And here we are, back at the University again when we reach the end of the second day.

I plan to re-read, in succession, both novels of the Kingkiller Chronicle, later this year. I decided not to re-read The Name of the Wind prior to reading The Wise Man’s Fear and feel now that was probably a mistake. I struggled to remember some of the characters the author referenced in passing in the second novel.

And now the waiting begins, and if history is any indicator, at least a half decade will pass before the past (Kvothe) and present (Kote) converge in the final (or is that ‘next’) Kingkiller Chronicle novel.

View all my reviews

Charlotte Brontë Burns Through the Cool Veil of Jane Eyre

I attended the second of four reading group discussions sponsored by the Kansas City Public Library in the Cohen Center conference room of the Plaza Branch yesterday evening.  As I noted in last month’s blog post, I’m picking up the other three books in the ‘A Taste of Victorian Literature’ during this encore performance.

Table of Contents

Brontë Background
Gothic Elements and Contemporary Criticism (p. 2)
Scandal (p. 3)
Discussion Questions (p. 4)

A Taste of Victorian Literature
A Taste of Victorian Literature

Katie Stover, head of Reader’s Services at the Library, spoke briefly on the focus of the reading group, including a tie-in for next month’s book, The Mill on the Floss by George EliotMelissa Carle, Reference Librarian and Weekend Supervisor for the Plaza Branch, assured the group that several copies awaited them upstairs should they not already have it checked out. Katie then introduced our lecturer, Andrea Broomfield, associate professor of English at JCCC.  An author in her own right, she’s currently working on new book tentatively titled Dining in the Age of Steam.  Katie had one final tidbit for anyone interested in seeing the recently released theatrical version of Jane Eyre, the movie opens at the Cinemark and Glenwood Arts on April 8th.

Charlotte Brontë (1850 chalk)
Charlotte Brontë (1850 chalk)

Andrea began her lecture by referencing a couple of handouts we received via e-mail (and hard copy if you forgot to print), including a brief biography of Charlotte Brontë and a few paragraphs about the impact of Jane Eyre after publication in 1847.

Andrea touched on just a few key points with respect to Charlotte’s childhood. Her mother died while Charlotte was still young, leaving her father with five children (one son and four daughters) to raise on his own.  As a direct result, his children had free reign over his library, not unheard for a son, but scandalous in the early Victorian Era (1820s & 1830s) to let his daughters read a gentleman’s library.  The children  especially loved the works of Byron. The Brontë children nurtured their imagination by creating the fantastic realms of Gondol (articles and poems written by Anne and Emily) and Angria (Byronic stories written by Branwell and Charlotte).  They also created their own periodical similar to Blackwood’s Magazine.

A painting of the three Brontë sisters; from left to right, Anne, Emily, and Charlotte. In the center of portrait is the shadow of Branwell Brontë, the artist, who painted himself out.
A painting of the three Brontë sisters; from left to right, Anne, Emily, and Charlotte. In the center of portrait is the shadow of Branwell Brontë, the artist, who painted himself out.

Her two sisters, Elizabeth and Maria, attended the Clergy Daughters School, but the deplorable conditions of the school caused Patrick Bronte, their father,  to withdraw Anne, Emily and Charlotte from the school.   Elizabeth and Maria contracted and died of tuberculous, exacerbated by the terrible conditions extant at the school.

While Patrick was in Manchester having cataract surgery, Charlotte wrote Jane Eyre, using the pseudonym Currer Bell, bucking the trend of the ‘normal’ three volume serial novel most common then.

The Bell Brothers (Anne wrote under the name Acton Bell and Emily wrote as Ellis Bell) had a stellar year in 1847, for in addition to Jane Eyre, both Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey were published.  Andrea admitted Charlotte Brontë to be her favorite Victorian Era author, favoring Vilette as her most mature effort.  The following couple of years left Charlotte bereft of all but her father, as first Emily and Branwell died, in 1848, followed by Anne in 1849.

Andrea’s next couple of presentation slides included modern day photographs places important in Charlotte’s life and which she used symbolically throughout Jane Eyre.  The Brontës lived in West Yorkshire in the Haworth Parsonage.

Haworth Parsonage in Yorkshire
Haworth Parsonage in Yorkshire
Wycoller Hall as the model for Ferndean Manor
Wycoller Hall as the model for Ferndean Manor
Norton Conyers as the model for Thornfield
Norton Conyers as the model for Thornfield
Pennine Way
Pennine Way
Gawthorpe Hall for the Ingram manor
Gawthorpe Hall for the Ingram manor

return to top

Book Review: It Can’t Happen Here by Lewis

It Can't Happen Here (Signet Classics)It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Written in the 30s, during the depths of the Depression, before World War II, this dystopian classic paints a grim picture of America’s fall into it’s own flavor of fascism. Some of his assertions stretched my belief nearly to the breaking point, most notable being the seemingly easy evaporation of two of our three branches of government after the League of Forgotten Men rise in power and seize the executive branch.

The novel follows the life of Jessup Doremus, an elderly (nearly retirement age) editor of a small town Vermont newspaper, uniquely positioned to lead us down the slippery slope of disappearing civil liberties and rising paranoia among the citizenry. The evils promulgated by petty near-thugs upon strangers, neighbors, friends and family … almost indiscriminately … all as an exercise in absolute power (as far as I could tell).

Not a comforting read, except for a brief glimpse of hope at the end. I can understand the shock value it would have had when it was published. I’m glad I read it, and even more glad none of it has proved prophetic for America … yet.

I read this novel as one of the suggested readings for my local library’s adult winter reading program called ‘Altered States’ and blogged about my reading journey.

View all my reviews

Book Review: The Man in the High Castle by PKD

The Man in the High CastleThe Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 – 3.75 stars

I struggled a bit with PKD’s prose, which at times staggered about like an alcoholic or drug addict and/or a mentally ill person rambling about their innermost incoherent thoughts. But an occasional brilliance burst through the befuddlement to guide me back if I strayed too far off course.

Written almost twenty years after World War II, PKD presents us with an America divided up as spoils of war between the Japanese Empire and Nazi Germany. He portrayed a believable view of American life under two fascist regimes. I surprised myself by feeling empathy not only for the victimized Americans (including Jews hunted to extinction, Blacks reduced to slaves, and other insidious persecutions of non-Aryan races), but also the Japanese, some of whom begin to see the writing on the wall.

I couldn’t help but compare the Oracle (aka as the I Ching or Book of Changes) to the Cosmological Interventionists represented by two out-of-control orphaned Blitz children in Willis’ Blackout/All Clear. It’s a stretch, but the conclusion of both novels left me with the same intriguing warm fuzzy feeling.

I read this novel as one of the suggested readings for my local library’s adult winter reading program called ‘Altered States’ and blogged about my reading journey.

View all my reviews

Book Review: Dragon’s Egg by Forward

Dragon’s Egg by Robert L. Forward

4 out of 5 stars

I admit to a science fiction reader shortcoming: I love to watch science fiction, but usually don’t care to read it, especially the sub-genre of ‘hard science fiction.’

And to be completely honest, I thought I gave myself a migraine reading the first pages of Dragon’s Egg (an astrophysics crash course in neutron stars). Once past the cold hard super-heavy facts, I thoroughly enjoyed the development of the cheela life-form and the brief interaction the human scientists experienced.

I completely sympathized with the crew of the Dragon Slayer not wanting to blink, let alone sleep, as they watched the astonishing development of cheela society.  In just a few hours, the cheela civilization went from ‘savages, stagnating in an illiterate haze’ to outpacing human development by ‘many thousands of years.’ Relatively speaking, of course.

I didn’t connect to any one particular cheela, since their lifespans were so short in human terms, nor with any of the scientists, who got the short-end of the stick when it came to their story-line. But my eyes teared up reading a farewell delivered by a cheela robot to the human scientists, a fitting benediction to a benevolent mutually beneficial first contact interaction.

Recommended for all fans of science fiction, first contact stories and hard sci-fi novels.

The reason I read this book?  It won the poll for the March 2011 Beyond Reality science fiction selection.