The Grout that Stole Christmas

Today is the Twelfth Day of Christmas.  If I really aspired to ambitious social impact, I’d host a Twelfth Night party, but I’ll settle for coming home to grouted tile.

Why?  Because nearly two years ago, we laid down tile in our front entryway.  The grout remains in the box.

Tiling Entryway January 2009
Tiling Entryway January 2009

I love the feel of the tile and the non-squeaky, non-creakiness of it (compared to the rest of the floor in the house which is nailed to the joists, not screwed).

With Rachelle’s help, or Terry supervising Rachelle, the spaces between the tiles should be filled sometime today.  Keeping the Rottweilers occupied while it sets will also prove challenging.