A robin built a nest on top of our back porch light. It’s been there a week or so, but for the last couple of days, she hasn’t left the nest when we slide open the patio door. She stayed put while I took a couple of photos of her with my smartphone.
According to the Wikipedia article on the American Robin, it only takes a couple of weeks for the eggs to hatch. If she leaves the nest, I’ll try to take a photo of them as well.
I laughed but I almost cried as well. This is so true. I can’t claim to be neat and organized as Modesitt does (except digitally) but I can confirm that remodeling your house while you are living in it is a challenge.
Here’s just one small example of what I’ve been living with for about ten months now. This is the family room, formerly known as the ‘band’ room (for about ten years), being transformed into our new entertainment home theatre room:
The ‘before’ picture.
Yes, our ‘stuff’ included moving a piano. Now here’s the ‘after’ video that starts in the finished family room and tours some of the other remodeling we’ve done: