Beyond PC « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website

AKA calling a spade a spade.

This is almost the complete opposite of what Scalzi posted earlier today on his blog Whatever.

I’m on the fence. I don’t like intentionally harming anyone, including their feelings.

But when a religion or political entity fails the basic human rights test, what is our duty as members of said hunan race to heal that wound? Is it more bandages? Or surgery?

These questions keep me up at night. And we seem to be returning to the Cold War (the Sequel) and the threat of M.A.D. I had hoped my unborn grandchildren would not have to grow up under that doomsday cloud.

And on that depressing note, I’ll bid you ado.

Posted from WordPress for Android via my Samsung smartphone. Please excuse any misspellings. Ciao, Jon